I saw the the Wilco Hess's down toward cookout were at $3.85. Shell was at $3.99. And all the others at $4.19. This was at about 11:30 tonight.
Driving home from Goldsboro yesterday I noticed the Texaco (with hunt brothers pizza) on 70 at 4.299 On the news this morning there was a gas station in Fayetteville at 5.499. The clerk said the owner came in, changed the prices and left. But later on the owner came back and changed it to 3.999.
I was on fumes on Thursday night, decided to get gas at Sandhu's instead of in the morning. Paid $3.62. Noticed when I dropped son off to school at 7am it was still $3.62. Was floored by 3:30pm when I came home from work that it wa $4.19.
$3.649 at Kangaroo at the corner of Raynor/70 Hwy at 10:00am this morning. The Shell across the street was at $4.199
The U.S. Minerals Management Service says there are two confirmed reports of drilling rigs adrift in the central Gulf of Mexico. Spokeswoman Eileen Angelico said Saturday the rigs are about 100 miles off the Louisiana coast. Then-Hurricane Ike landed near the nation's biggest complex of refineries and petrochemical plants. She says her agency, industry experts and the Coast Guard are monitoring the paths of the rigs. Regional director Lars Herbst says the rigs have been relatively stationary for several hours. He says they expect tugs to approach to secure the rigs when sea conditions allow. The Department of Energy says 13 Texas refineries had been shut down because of Ike. In Louisiana, refineries were just coming back online after Hurricane Gustav.