
Discussion in 'PC Help Desk' started by stabillski, May 4, 2005.

  1. stabillski

    stabillski Well-Known Member

  2. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    love it.
  3. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I now use Internet Explorer for testing only. The Firefox Tab feature is fantastic.
  4. Nat_RH

    Nat_RH Well-Known Member

    Linux + Firefox = Pure Happiness

    :D :lol: :roll:
  5. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Firefox Rules

    There is a browser other than Firefox? Oh yeah that junk that redmond puts out I have to use for certain websites that only accept MS.
  6. CrzyForBaseball

    CrzyForBaseball Well-Known Member

    You know how you know FireFox is for real (and good). The next version of IE is supposed to have many of Firefox's features namely the tabs.

    I would also suggest using Thunderbird also. I am not a Microsoft basher, in fact I use many of their products. But I use what works for me and my computer best.
  7. stonecold

    stonecold Guest

    I never use IE , ever!! Firefox rocks
  8. daniellea

    daniellea Well-Known Member

    I use Mozilla and kind of like it... it's great, cuts out ads, popups and the like... any compelling reason to use firefox instead?
  9. Richard Head

    Richard Head Well-Known Member

    Mozilla is the maker of Firefox and Thunderbird. Firefox is their browser and T-bird is their e-mail program. So if you are using Mozilla software chances are it's Firefox.
  10. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    We've been using Firefox for a while and have had no problems! :)
  11. chuck

    chuck Well-Known Member

    Hey, I'm getting RR next Friday and thought about trying Firefox when I got it. Any issues with downloading now, or should I wait until I get RR?
  12. chuck

    chuck Well-Known Member

    Not dial-up, Dockpoint high( :?: )-speed wireless. Basically the same thing. :D

  13. appcomm

    appcomm Well-Known Member


    Main thing to make sure you have in place before your RR install is a firewall and good antivirus! RoadRunner connections are screaming fast but also with that comes all the bad stuff the Internet has to offer.

    Recently took a newly installed PC and attached it to a RR connection. Within SECONDS that computer was totally dorked up! Worms, malware, automated hacks, etc, etc. Reinstall that same PC with a fresh copy of Windows (2000), add a firewall, Symantec Antivirus and AdAware and it has been clean for months.

    You'll love the speed...just take the necessary precautions so it doesn't trash your PC.
  14. chuck

    chuck Well-Known Member

    I've got the antivirus and the Ad-Aware already installed, but I am honestly not sure that I have a firewall. I've got a Dell that's only about 10 months old running Windows XP. Do I already have a firewall? If not, can you recommend one? Thanks.
  15. IncognitO

    IncognitO Well-Known Member

    your wireless router probably has a firewall built into it so you are probably OK. If you want to be double proctected, you can also run a software firewall. Windows XP has a BASIC software but I would recommend something else (like Zone Alarm
  16. Nat_RH

    Nat_RH Well-Known Member

    Make sure that wireless access point is tightly secured.

    The builtin NAT firewall and the standard XP firewall should be sufficient.

    I am a fan of Zone Alarm but too many security applications cause your PC to slow way down. Use what you need and feel comfortable with.

    Enjoy that fast connection...very addicting.
  17. Richard Head

    Richard Head Well-Known Member

    I use the EZ Armor firewall and virus scanner provided by RR. Seems to work fine. Is that considered a good firewall and virus protection?
  18. chuck

    chuck Well-Known Member

    Hey dlock, for what you are describing, would this still be the case if I have no other houses around me that could hook into my router? I have 2 houses within probably a thousand feet of mine. One is about 300 feet away and the other is a little more than that. Both use dial-up.
  19. David

    David Well-Known Member

    Chuck, where do you live so I can pull up in your yard and DL all that child porn and it is your IP baby?

    Lock down your Router. As far as changing the admin password, I also change the IP range as well. At Home I run a 10.x.x.x and at work I run a 172.16.x.x net. Genrally Script kiddies are looking for the wide open Generic 192.168.x.x nets.
  20. chuck

    chuck Well-Known Member

    OK, I got Firefox downloaded tonight and did all the quick and easy pop-ups that asked me if I wanted to transfer everything over from IE (favorites, cookies, etc.). I did everything it asked me to do and when I open it, this comes up:

    Alert: could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    I somehow don't have a connection to the internet through Firefox. I made it my default web browser, but I am obviously missing something. Any ideas?

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