
Discussion in 'PC Help Desk' started by stabillski, May 4, 2005.

  1. Nat_RH

    Nat_RH Well-Known Member

    Chuck..did you get RR hooked up yet?

    If not, follow the directions you initially used with Dockpoint except do everything with the Firefox browser.

    May be a proxy setting or maybe previously IE auto-connected to Dockpoint when you launched the browser.

    Give us some more details how that part worked and we'll get you fixed up.

  2. chuck

    chuck Well-Known Member

    I think that's exactly my problem Nat. I don't claim to be real smart on computer stuff, but proxy's sound like a good place to start. I have found the proxy settings input section on Firefox, but I can't find the proxy settings to input there. I can't find the proxy settings for IE. And I've spent the last hour looking for them.

    BTW, I didn't hook this up to Dockpoint. The installation guy did. Probably partly the reason that I am lost.
  3. Nat_RH

    Nat_RH Well-Known Member

    With a little luck and Dockpoints FAQ's you should be able to get back in business.

    I've never played with Dockpoints setup but it should be straight forward moving to Firefox.

    If you run into a snag...give us some specifics and I'm sure we can get you pointed in the right direction.
  4. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member


    We have RR's EZ Firewall installed and some other one my husband did (can't remember what it is). I haven't had any problems. Even have a family member across country that tries to hack into my computer about once a quarter. He'll send me an email telling me where I'm weak and what to do. Since we got RR and added the other firewall, he's been tickled pink that he can't tap into anything.

    On a side note, it took a lot to wean me from IE, but I wouldn't give up my Firefox for anything now. The only problem I have is that it'll block some things necessary to my schooling. On the days it's not "playing nice in the sandbox", I have to open up IE to access my school website. Other than that, I've had no problems with it...AND we downloaded it on dial up, so sufficed to say it can be done before RR :)
  5. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member


    That was the very 1st thing we did...changed the admin password. Later on, found out there was a kid in the neighborhood going around trying to surf on everyone else's wireless connections!
  6. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    its a lot easier to secure your network than it is explaining to the fbi why youve been downloading kiddie porn :shock:

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