Can anyone recommend a good place to get firewood around here that will deliver? I'm only looking for a truck load or 1/2 cord at the most. I know there are a ton of ads on Craigslist, but I prefer to find recommendations so that I know they are legit. This is our first wood burning fireplace so I have no experience buying firewood or knowing what to look for. They can state it is seasoned and it's a 1/2 cord, but I don't really know what to look for. I don't want to get ripped off! Thanks for any help!
We burn hardwoods such as oak,poplar etc.It's best to not use pine,too much sap. My husband usually get's our wood by cutting up tree's on jobsites that have been recently cleared but I saw that the two produce stands on Cleveland Rd. sell fire wood.
Thats pretty neat! It required a second look to actually see that it was the way the wood was stacked.
This thread is a little old, but I thought I would try. I usually cut my own firewood, but most of it is pretty dirty and infested with bugs. I need some 'clean' firewood to being in the house. Just a little bit - like maybe 5 or 6 armloads. I see a few people selling in their front yard from time to time but never pay attention until I need it. Anyone know where to find?