
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Daredevil, Jun 20, 2009.

  1. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Was skimming the posts on only saw the notes where people were *hearing* them. We were hearing them here but did not see anything.
  2. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    It was a house on Two Claude Rd. They were having a MAJOR party with cars parked all up and down Two Claude.

    We went by about 9:45 just as they were ending and people were pulling off the road to watch them.

    Someone had a LOT of money to blow.
  3. WillSpanker

    WillSpanker Well-Known Member

    That's it,,they were loud enough to set off car alarms
  4. Bren

    Bren Well-Known Member

    I'm over near WJHS and I could hear them but not see them because of the trees around our house. Our neighbor on another street said they sat out there and watched them. Those were some serious booms!!
  5. CrzyForBaseball

    CrzyForBaseball Well-Known Member

    It was a 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration party.
  6. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Wow! Congratulations to the happy couple!
  7. seabee

    seabee Guest

  8. Daredevil

    Daredevil Well-Known Member

    Very cool! If my wife can put up with me that long, maybe I'll do it up big like that. Wish I coulda seen them, they sounded great!

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