FL dropped the ball.

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Hatteras6, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Lowes Foods (at 42/50) has a pitiful meat selection 90% of the time, imo. I have bought meats from Foodlion as long as they've been around, and in the reduced section (at both stores) and never had any problems. Lowe's has a reduced dairy section now too! love that....
  2. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    Hogwash, nothing wrong w/ FL meats, as a matter of fact they have T bones & porterhouse 4.99 lb and they look and taste as good as any other around.
  3. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    But Lowes Foods does have a much better seafood dept than FL. i am one of those that remember the 20/20 broadcast and have always been a bit hesitant on buying reduced at FL but have done it in the past. i do quite often at LF as they reduce their's a couple days before the due date most the time. As long as it is cooked or in the freezer right away i have never had a problem with it and it saves bucks:cheers:
  4. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    Why would you not buy it at FL? Just wondering! The meat at lowes is brought in frozen and not even cut there. Can't speak for BJ's, but know a meat cuter that used to work for lowes said it really isn't what people think it is.
  5. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    No offense, because if memory serves you work at a FL, but I have been in some sketchy FL's. I detest the one on 70 in Clayton and avoid it like the plague. BUT the new on up at RW is beautiful and the one at Flowers is OK too. I've never been in a Lowes that wasn't immaculate and I LOVE the one in Clayton. Their help is out of this world, 99% of the time they are well stocked and they are coupon friendly too, which FL on the whole is not in my experience. I am using the new one at RW and so far am just tickeled with it, however.
  6. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    Why would you buy ground beef in the roll? If ground beef is ever recalled it is always in the roll.

    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    I wondered the same thing. You can't even see what the meat looks like in the tubes.

    I don't usually buy FOOD at Food Lion. That nasty carpet at the front door of the one at 40/42 just creeps me out. If they have a good sale on tp and paper towels I'll stop in.
  8. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    He said they used to..hence the reason he moved on..I guess..?
  9. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    Your not offending me at all. Yes I work at FL, most on here know that if they know me. They even know the store I work at. I will tell you that I do agree not all FL are the same, depends on the store manager ect. The one on RW, wow, I have heard some great things, big store..future Bloom, this is the new set up for FL, pretty isn't it. New stores normally are. Heck my mom shops at Lowes lol, don't bother me a bit, do I do all my shopping at FL, no..single mom got to do what she has got to do. I wish we doubled coupons, we don't. But, I just feel why knock all FL stores, just cause one sucks or two sucks. I will not say anything about the one at 40/42. Never worked there, but know many who did or still do. I know a few that even work at Lowes on 50/42 and they will tell you it's no different then any other grocery store, same crap, different company. They do have a nice store, it's new and clean, but expensive. If I need something different I go there, but I haven't been there in many months. Sort of out of my way anyways.
    On another note, I know a lot of my customers at my store, I can be in Raleigh in run into them, went to a concert last year and ran into a few, and they always gave me a hug. My family always ask when that happens who they were and I just oh just some customers from work, yes they hugged me. How cool is that. We have a lot of wonderful customers, bringing gifts at christmas time. We have some crappy ones too. It happens and we make the best of it. But, If you have bad experiences at 40/42, Clayton, why should that hurt us at our store? I have taken customer complaints and helped them even if it didn't happen at our own store, it's the right thing to do. If I can I will. If I can't, I give them the info they need to make it right. But, I will tell you one thing, if you try to steal or try to get one over on me, I will not give you what you want, be honest and I will do the best job I can do for you and then some. Are we perfect, no..but we have a good store, with good people..I'm proud to say I work there.
    Carry on....
  10. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    For the record, coupon friendly did NOT mean trying to pull one on the store. I meant their policy of doubling, etc. I don't scam with coupons. Period. I quit going to the FL in Clayton because they acted like you are trying to pull a fast one by using their VERY OWN coupons that were related to the loyalty card a couple years ago sent to my email. Maybe I just hit a crabby cashier several times in a row, who knows? I solved that by not going anymore.

    I agree that there are good and bad stores in every single chain. However, I've never been in a bad Lowes. Plus, if you watch the sales, I can do better at Lowes than at Walmart with coupons, without the hassels I've had at FL. It is what works for me. To each their own. I stock up when things are on sale, I don't generally do a big weekly shop for everything we would use in a single week, I use sales and coupons and then just fill in as needed.

    My husband says I'm verging on food hoarder status, but unless I need bread or milk, I don't HAVE to go the store for weeks at a time. 8)
  11. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    Sorry if you felt I was meaning you, it was just a statement in general, that it does happen with coupons..god knows like I said wish we did double, I really don't know why we don't. I can tell you just yesterday how many coupons I turned my key for and shouldn't have..I just feel what is a few cents or a couple dollars to tick someone off..not worth losing a good customer over, it's how the customer presents themselves in the situation on how I'm going to handle it. Being a jerk doesn't get you any where in my book.
  12. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I know it happens, I've seen and heard other couponers do things that makes my hair stand on end. It makes it tough on the legit ones. I've never, ever had a fit about it in the store. If I have a legit concern, then I will take it up with customer service politely but not the cashier. If I've made an honest mistake, I will say so and either go ahead and get the item or ask that it be taken off.

    I was once humiliated by a cashier at Walmart when I asked that they take something off, and he said I was being cheap within earshot of other customers. Yeah, that didn't go over well. I spoke to the manager on that occasion. There is a difference between being a good steward of my family's budget and being "cheap".
  13. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    Are you kidding me, he really said you were cheap..wow..that is way out there, something I would never say..and I hope never happens in my store, heck it's not like we don't get the money back you know. I have this one customer that always looks over her stuff before she leaves the store, at first we were like what is she doing, if she finds a mistake either on her part or ours, she always comes and lets us know, now that is a honest person, I would go above and beyond for her, just cause if she sees a mistake, that she had done, she gives it back. Not something you see everyday.
    Coupons really don't bother me at all, on a whole other subject that has nothing to do with this thread, WIC..now that gets on my nerves lol.
  14. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Love FL 10 for $10.00 days!!!

    Gotta watch though, sometimes other brands are less than $1.00
  15. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Rush, tell them to do the BOGO sale again, that was awesome!!!!
    I just wont take DH next time. :lol:
    He's worse than a kid.
  16. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    lol, of course you know I have nothing to say about what they do with the sales, it was a good one though, they said they have never done one that big before, not something your going to see anytime soon again.
  17. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

  18. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    Why thank you, I will have to say that I really had to sit and think before I posted, I'm very strong minded to say the least, and I really do speak my mind, and sometimes it isn't what people want to hear. I don't post much, as you can see..Face book takes so much of my time lol, J/K. But, really if I feel strong about it, then I will say something. Work doesn't always like it either, but I will say it.

    Thank you for making my day! :)
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2010
  19. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

  20. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    Ty Kaci! :)

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