Found sweet golden and white dog on Cleveland School Road near DR Wells, was wondering down the road lost, looks part lab mix, no collar. Please email
Help us Find our dog Freddy Please. Freddy went missing last week. We have contacted the local animal control and no luck. He did not have his collar on. He is approximately 70lbs and is a neutered male. He looks like a mix between a boxer/ yellow lab. He has a white chest and also white paws. He has one dew claw missing. We are sick with worry about him. He is so missed at home. We live on Highway 50 please. if you have seen any dog around the Highway 50 and maybe 2 miles east of 210 Highway please post something or PM me please. He has wandered away for the night in the past, but never this long. He is Micro Chipped also. He is a friendly old man and I do not think he would bite anyone if they tried to touch him. I know that he is tired and hungry knowing his behavior is looking for help to get home.I hope our community will have their eye's open for me please. If you have any information I will check my computer every 30 minutes or so and will respond to any information I can I get. Please help me find Freddy. He is not a young pup. He is an old man and He is not use to being out in this cold weather. Thank you my 4042 family. I hope to find him fast as can. I have put out flyers and no reply's as of yet.
I did email the person posting the dog. I did in deed do so. It is 2:05 AM and I am sitting here thinking where is Freddy tonight. I had hoped by the grace of God that maybe that person would see that email tonight. Freddy is not my dog, but he belongs to a couple whom are older and the husband is so upset about this that he is just devastated. I just found out tonight about it. Gosh if I had known days ago I would have mounted a hunt for him. But with the time I found this out I had to jump on the board to go the people whom are so wonderful in times like this. I am praying he is somewhere safe and warm and someone knows he belongs to someone. This dog means the world to his owner whom is 70yrs plus. I am asking for gods kindness to help this buddy back to his owner. It is so important. This dog is his therapy for being done in the work world. He was a rescued dog also. He was taken in by them. Believe me he is a good dog and they love him so much as a if he were their child. It is very important I find him for them. SO I am turning to our 4042 family for all the help I can get to find him. Please help us. If you live in the area of Highway 50 please keep eyes open for him please or think you have seen him roaming please post it. They did not know about the 4042 website to go to. I told them and put the information up there to start a thread on him. So please keep this dog in your prayers for them .