G105 in trouble AGAIN

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by UWISH, Apr 6, 2008.

  1. JayP

    JayP Well-Known Member

    "...there are far worse people he could have ticked off."

    It's a long list. Perhaps Bob's starting at the bottom? Bob will get to them all one-by-one.
  2. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    Thats kinda the point, isnt it? One time he ticked off the bicyclists... if you go after a VERY minor minority, it helps the rouse, i'd imagine. the idea is ticking people off, without very many people ticked off. That way you don't actually lose the audience. If he went on a profane rant against black people on his show (aside from the fines from the FCC and undoubtedly getting canned) he'd lose a large part of his audience. Attacking the Lumbee was just enough to cause the story, so its very well executed.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2008
  3. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    You can check out other sources, such as PBS which acknowledges the recognition of the tribe by the US in 1956, but the provision of federal Indian services is still being sought.


    1956 US Congress passed the Lumbee Act which provides federal recognition of the tribe as "Lumbee", but denied federal Indian services to members of the Lumbee tribe.
  4. JayP

    JayP Well-Known Member

    If I were a Lumbee Indian, and more importantly, if I were a Lumbee Indian Chief, I would have used every second of airtime, every interview, every photo opp, to raise awareness for the plight of my people, their suffrage, their dreams and their hardships - NOT to get some DJ taken off the air.

    It's sad the Lumbees are wasting this publicity (aka Golden Opportunity) fighting Bob and not fighting for their own people.
  5. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    their right to vote?

    Also, who says they're wasting it? if they're fighting for something and staying in the public eye... admittedly only that of NC, they're still getting publicity.
  6. JayP

    JayP Well-Known Member

    Sorry, that was supposed to be suffering - not suffrage. Assuming they're all citizens of the United States, that is.

    If, after all this, the Lumbees get Bob of the air - then what? They go right back to where they were before - nowhere.

    BUT if they use the opp to forward THEIR message, instead of complaining about Bob - they might actually gain some ground. The way I see it, they're no better than Bob. They could have taken Bob's message and turned it into a positive message that sheds light on their situation.

    If I were Chief of the Lumbee Tribe. By JayP:

    "Bob's unkind words are a testament to the misunderstanding of American Indians in this nation - and the Lumbee Tribe in particular. While we have tried for decades to receive the federal aid we believe we deserve as a recognized tribe, many have chosen to mock our ways, use us as a source of comedy relief and shun us from the prosperity and liberty we all deserve. I encourage the members of the state and federal government and the local and national media to visit our people and see the difference between Bob's perception of us and the reality the Lumbees live every day."

    Or words to that effect.
  7. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Assuming they are wearing panties that might get bunched......you know now days there isn't alot of material there to get all wadded up or if they even wear panties.

  8. Daredevil

    Daredevil Well-Known Member


    But what plight have they been suffering from? From what I have read on 2 or 3 sites, a bunch of seperatist black/white guys? Not sure where they can be visited since they dont have any native lands. They claim the swamps in robeson or wherever. I really wish someone on here was a Lumbee so I could learn a little more about them.
  9. JayP

    JayP Well-Known Member

    Good point. For all I know they've been suffering from a headache for 200 years.

    I guess part of their 'denied benefits' include an nsn.us site. Sheez, they aren't even a part ofUSET. IF they were part of USET they could get some federal money from the government and other tribes.

    They're up whatever creek they live on without a paddle.
  10. Lester

    Lester Well-Known Member

    More fuel that this is a contract ploy. His vacation would have been under the expiring contract, therefore he was taking it before negotiating the new one.

    But not without repeating himself. He's already ticked off the black community, the bicyclists, the blacks again before that. He's lost the protective cover of Madison on these topics, he's not going to go there again.

    As Dangerboy said, the way it went down was radio theatrics, that's not how it happens for real. Period. I've been in that house for 2 of these "planned" suspensions. I know of what I speak.

    That said, Clear Channel is in the midst of trying to go private, and all their markets have been put on a pretty strict budgetary lock down. If this is contract, it could backfire in a bad way. Bob is their cash cow, but *NO ONE* is indispensable in the world of Clear Channel.
  11. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Mike? Is that you? :lol:
  12. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    From the Wiki link that I posted -

  13. Lester

    Lester Well-Known Member

    'Fraid not. Lester when I was afternoons, and Uncle Lester when I worked with the morning show.

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