Yes, and thanks for that information (I just re-read it, as it was obvious that I didn't remember where you said they were That may be a better choice for me since I really am not sure what games I might like. Thanks again!
I agree with this. We like the PS2 slim, it is portable, we have the remote and use it to watch DVDs as well, plenty of games, and we usually buy games used at Game Stop or Play n Trade (also at White Oak, but by the theatres)
ps3 over xbox360 sorry I have to defend the PS3 over the xbox360. for 399 yes it seems a bit steep compared to the cheapest xbox360 which is around 300. You may not be in the market for either but consider the following: With the PS3 you get built in wireless capability, built in Blu-Ray DVD capability, FREE online gaming, also the graphics are better with full 1080P support. With Xbox360 common failure associated with the systems referred to as the "ring of death" in which the Green power light turns red and the system will not do anything else and must be sent in for repair, Does not have built in wireless access, you must buy a seperate add-on to enable this, does not have built in HD-DVD access, you must buy an ADD ON HD-DVD player at a cost of around 160, and get ready to pay a monthly fee to play online, graphics are good but support up to 720P You get WAY more for your money with a PS3 than an Xbox360. You could start into the gaming world by buying a PS2 but sooner or later you will want something better. I would go ahead and buy the latest system rather than being years behind.
Yeah! Game Stop. Great store, if you can stand the claustrophobia during the holiday rush. Santa brought gift cards to my kids and they loaded up on used games for their Gameboys. Staff know their stuff, as far as I can tell. They pay decently for used games, too.