"Gang presence" in Clayton?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Tigers are Grrr8!, Feb 27, 2008.

  1. kimmytoo

    kimmytoo Well-Known Member

    my 4th grader at WCES told me of a child (who was the sibling of a child in a gang that my son just called '13') getting expelled from his class a month ago for beating up another child who was younger sibling of a rival gang. Was enough to scare me and start a dialogue with my children concerning gang activity. (((Turns out that my son thought that a gang was like a club - didn't realize that it was dangerous)))

    I think it is around, I just hope that they can keep a handle on it here. I lived near Denver in college and it was pretty unsafe to wear certain colors, school jerseys, etc. in some areas of town. I don't want my children to grow up in that atmosphere. It scares me to death.
  2. Daredevil

    Daredevil Well-Known Member

    At dinner tonight, without mentioning this thread or anything, I asked my 9th grade daughter "how many gangsters were in her school?". She said "About a billion. Oh wait, you mean REAL gangsters, or the ones that act like them?" I asked "how many real ones?" "oh bout 7 in her immediate class" she replied. "I asked her how she knew they were gangsters?" and she stated they all had "markings" on their arms. "By taking metal objects and burning them into their skin."

    So, if you figure that 7 are that obvious in the 9th grade, there is atleast 10 times that many in the whole high school.

    I wouldnt worry all that much about it, unless I was in certain areas in Clayton. But I would be aware of my surroundings @ all times if possible. If something looks funny, call the cops and have them check it out for you. Remove graffiti immediately when you find it. TALK TO YOUR KIDS! Teach them how to avoid this sort of thing.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2008

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    Anyone, having good communication with their teen son or daughter knows that there's gang activity in the schools. Granted, it's not on the level of the larger inner city schools but here none the less. Unless you have a child in high school or you work in the school system, I'm not too sure you can denounce the credibility of what others are saying. I have three family members that teach in the local Raleigh high schools and they have in the last several years expressed their concern over the growing gang related violence in their schools, knowledge at first hand. This topic was something I didn't even think about when the kids were in ele./middle school but became more aware of it when they reached high school. I'm just thankful that my last is almost out, every year the schools seem to have a larger issue with violence than the year before, not all of it gang related, just an incredible amount of fights and kids being sent to the hospital etc., as well as violence against the teachers.
  4. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    wow, my kids are grown, I had no idea.....have an 11 yro g-baby, guess I better wake up. thanks for the insight! I'm alittle shocked right now.
  5. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    My 8th grader talks about the wan-ta be gangsta's in her school. She knows about the colors, tags, signs, etc. (whatever you call them). She explains this stuff to me, because I've never had to deal with any of it.
  6. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    I have heard him say, "oh, he talks like a gangsta" when he is speaking of a kid in trouble at school and just thought, the kid must just be being raised by gangstas, but I never thought about what kids can grow up to be if raised by a gangsta.......
  7. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Well, let me ask this then: Are your kids afraid for their own safety at school?
  8. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    god, I think he might be at times. We have never relly talked about it, he has mentioned a kid that bullies him, I just never thought of it in a "GANG" versions. he is tracked out right now, but guess what the discussion at dinner will be tonight......
  9. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Absolutely NOT
  10. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    What grade are your kids in?
  11. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    5th and 8th, my girls are pretty resourceful, they don't start anything, but will definitely defend themselves if need be.
  12. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    ok, the Redneck part of me is gonna take over. I gotta say this. In most cases the parents of these kids are to blame. If you see your son walking around with his pants down around the bottom of his azz make him pull them up or wear a belt or better yet DO NOT BUY HIM PANTS that do not fit. If he is wearing any clothes symbols or what ever gang related items WHOOP HIS AZZ and take those items and burn them in front of him. Same with girls. The problem is to many parents look the other way because they are to damn lazy to raise their kids and too wrapped up in their own little worlds to take time out to teach them right from wrong.

    Second thing that is bothering me about some kids and their parents around here. How do I say this nicely oh well , no can do, STOP LETTING YOUR DAUGHTERS DRESS LIKE HOOKERS. What is this about? Are you hoping she will some day sell her azz and support you? This is what drives me crazy , I have seen parents drop their daughters off wearing less than Britney Spears. I blame their stupid parents. Maybe if the parents of these wanna be thugs had to pull time for being bad parents the kids would straighten up quick.

    As far as the mexican gangs, you really do not wanna hear what I gotta say bout them.
  13. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

  14. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    and my redneck azz agrees with ya! :hurray:
  15. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Angeleyes, as far as the girls go I think some moms try to be their daughter's friend or perhaps they are reliving their youth through them. I would also go a bit further and say maybe Dad (if he is around) leaves for work early in the morning cause you know damn well that **** would not fly if Daddy was dropping her off at school. You should see my DH's face get all stern and red when I even mention his girls being in HS one day... :lol:

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    My experience with my girls and some of mothers their friends have is that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. There would be times I'd come home just shaking my head, husband would ask "what's up" and I'd proceed to tell him what so and so's mother was wearing when I dropped our daughter off at their home. I never had any issues with my girls wearing or try wearing any inappropriate clothing but lord have mercy with some of things I've seen at the high school level and college.
  17. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    This is true. I have seen some interesting ensembles put together...
  18. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Yep, I couldn't agree more. What's funny is the women trying to dress like their teens. Heck, I'm fashionable, but I'm not trying to look like a 15 yo either. Thank goodness my girls KNOW better than trying to dress slutty, but then again, since I purchase their clothing, they don't have many other choices.:lol:
  19. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    :iagree: :hurray:

    Alot of mother's dress 'vicariously' through their daughters too. Which is why you see the skankyness of young girls in clothes I wouldn't wash my car with. They can't wear them so they let their daughters.
  20. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    See you would think that about the dads. I know a dad who lives in the Mcgees area last name starts with a" B" Not gonna give out his name ( although I really want too hehehe) anyways they have a daughter and a son ,daughter is maybe 12 years old and dresses like a skank and her daddy brings her to school. She also has a myspace acct where she is posing in ways that she needs her little butt whooped for even thinking about and her parents are in her friends list so they seen it. Anyways, I reported her to myspace for being a minor many times so she may not be on there no more. And yes if I see a kid on myspace that I know is under 14/15 and they are posing like a ho I will report them to myspace and to their parents. ( I'm a biotch like that) But for the most part it is most the time mommy wants to be their friend and not their parent. Not in my house . If I see my dd wearing something like some of these girls wear she will be rubbing her butt with one hand and whipping tears with the other.

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