I hear ya girl. I still go with the youngest to buy her clothes, even if she's turning 16 in a few months. The oldest daughter is 19 and has the best taste in clothing, it's never been a problem. I'm mostly Eddie Bauer, Cold Water Creek, LL Bean person myself.
Sad. And some men I have seen are so brow-beaten by the wife and children they have no say. That sounds like a girl I saw on Wife Swap a few months ago. And that's not bitchy - that is doing your part as a parent in this community!
Well, to and from the HS thing last night my daughter and I had a discussion on gangs at her school. Summary of our conversation was that she is aware of gangs in her school. Some mexican gangs and then she said the bloods, which she described as more of a black gang. She also said that more and more black girls are now joining gangs. I asked her what she knew about gangs, she said that the people joining them are stupid. She explained this by saying your only way out once in is death and if you don't do what they want you to well that's death, etc. Then she said there's another gang I've heard about that's the kkk, it's white boys who want blacks dead. I said do you know of any in your school, she replied no.
In some high schools (I don't know about all)...a definite yes. School shopping is interesting...you don't buy anything for them to wear that is mostly red or blue. And absolutely no bandanas...even for girls to wear in their hair. I find it frightening to see some here try to minimize it by repeatedly bringing up "wanna be" kids. I'm reminded of Sheri Smith in Durham, who made such a big deal of filing a lawsuit against the Durham school system because they labled her son as a member of a gang. She was in the newspapers all the time talking about what a great kid he was, etc., they were ruining her son's life by calling him a gang-banger and kicking him out of school. He wasn't that kind of kid. That is until he was shot in a drive-by gang killing. There are full-fledged gangs in full force all over the Triangle. They are just as violent and disregarding of life, as any gang in NY or LA. Yes, there are wanna be kids and they too are dangerous. However those who think only kids in LA or NY have access to belonging to full-fledged gangs are naive and asking for trouble.
You can't say that, Angeleyes...its racist to rant against the prison-idolation style of baggy pants, because it's rooted in the black community culture. </sarcasm> They don't know where they are at 1:00 in the morning on a school night...much less what they are wearing.
Its a good thing I don't care about being pc or about what others think about me for speaking my mind huh? LOL I believe in EOA Equal opportunity ars whoopings.
There's actual gangs in my neighborhood! The police know and seem to not really try to stop it! There's not a day that goes by that I don't hear at least 20+ gun shots. If you call the police, they don't even show up!
Jo Co cops are for the most part a joke. I hate to say it but I know a lot of them. They are a joke ( the ones I know at least) .
I had to call them not so long ago a man ( who I didn't know) was trying to get into my house at 2 in the morning. I was home alone I called and was told they would try and get someone out here asp. 30 minutes later the man was still trying to get in. He was trying to get in windows and the doors the alarm was going off ( sure the alarm company called too) anyways finally I got my gun out and went to the window turned on the light pointed it at the man and said " come on in if ya want but you will be carried out in a bag( and some other stuff I can not say on here)" I called back and told them if someone didn't come and get him before he got in they could clean his blood up when they got here. They got here right after. He was long gone by then.
I know nothing about how to use a gun but have been thinking lately of learning. My husband could teach me but him trying to teaching me how to drive a stick shift car did not go well. :lol: Where do they offer lessons to learn to load and use a gun? How much do classes like that run? Would I need to have my own gun?
I have not a clue about that. I shot my first real gun ( sitting in grandpa's lap) I got a bb gun when I was around 5( yes I was one of them lil girls running around with a gun and a pink dress lol ) I wasn't a good shot at first but by the age of 7 lets just say birds were very rare around our house. I use to put food in the bird feeder and hide in the bushes to see how many I could shoot in a day.
Years ago when I got my first apartment, my dad gave me a starter pistol. He said to aim it at an intruder and they won't know the difference. I asked him what I was supposed to do...say 'On your mark, get set...'and shoot it so they'll start running?":mrgreen:
If you are serious about wanting to learn to shoot, you might try Davi's in Raleigh, and I think you can rent a gun while you are there to learn with. Not sure what they charge, but this might get you started in a relatively safe environment. Here is their website address: http://www.davisguns.com/