AMEN!!!!!!! I have considered writing the DA and saying that ALL speeding tickets should come with community service. One hour for every mile over the speed limit the conviction is for. To pay for the extra workers needed to manage the community service workers would be a fine for each mile over the speed limit the conviction is
We should be like South Carolina. If caught littering there is a punishment of time in jail plus a heavy fine.
I report all litterbugs, including those who throw cigarette butts out. :mrgreen: Prisoners will still be picking up trash, they were just over here off of 42 on Monday. They will be out more come March/April. They haven't changed anything as far as the prisoners picking up trash.
License suspension would likely to do the trick, too. A lot of it has to do with how mobile people are nowadays and how dependent they are on fast food restaurants. Drive around any fast food restaurant and you'll see an absence of trash cans, especially convenient ones curbside. Shopping center parking lots could be benefited by more trash cans, as well. Take note of the Clayton Wal-Mart. The manager of that store should have his hand shook for a good job. They put orange bicycle flags on their shopping cart "corrals" and have trash cans placed at each one. Good idea. Of course, its not that hard to carry a decent size trash bag and place your trash in that with the bag going into the trunk until you get home. People just don't care that much any more.
People who get speeding tickets so they can dodge cars...that and people need to stop being slobs. Grace
I saw the NC DofC prison mini-bus parked on the shoulder of the road at 40/42 today. I hope they had a full bus load cleaning up that nasty cloverleaf. That is some of my NC Tax dollars being spent in a way I like.
I'm up for a walk to pick up some trash this Saturday in the Cornwallis/Josephine Road area. Anyone? PM me.
Please secure your trash items when hauling them to the dump. My DH was riding his motorcycle recently (on Cleveland sch rd) and almost got hit by a bag that fell off a trailer! The driver didn't even realize that it happened, just kept going! My DH caught up with him and gave him a piece of his mind :evil:
:cuss::cuss::cuss: That would have burned me up! Side note: I was down that way this week and there were 2 crews on 40 around mile marker 306 -312.
I was noticing how bad the trash was down 40 btwn Cary and Raleigh. Today I saw 3-4 crews (inmates) cleaning it up. Bout' time they got em back out there workin'