Ok whatever or whoever you are. Clearly you are a trouble maker and truly enjoy yourself. You must be a female... I don't care how to spell your screen name...or to read your screen name correctly...or read EVERY SINGLE line that you continue to ramble off. I simply was just trying to end this little tit for tat crap by agreeing to agree. You obviously have much deeper issues… As for not criticizing the Refs… Here’s your quote: “Did the refs form a union and forget to tell GCAA about their union demands? Did the paycheck for December bounce? WHAT? I think since we have paid for our children to pay basketball, have arranged our schedules to bring them to the games and practices, and have supported the sponsoring businesses that we deserve to know why we are having such difficulty in getting the referees to be on time to the games.” That---teacher---is criticism.
As was previously posted, you can send email directly to GCAA at caainfo@4042.com, or via thier website at gcaasports.com.
I will agree to disagree, mhok2, when you stop insulting me. "Whatever" I am? "You must be a female"? The criticism, if you look at it, is directed at GCAA for not ensuring the games start on time. The criticism is asking if they have neglected to do something that might have caused the CONSISTENT tardiness of the referees. I think you should look at your own resentments and issues before you accusing me of having them. For Tangerine and Pooh Bear, the last several times I have emailed GCAA about any question, I have not received a response. I thought those board members who peruse this forum might have an answer since I am not sure which board member is the one who receives the emails.
No, nothing was ever done to cause them to be consistently late unless you consider the fact that GCAA does everything it can to contract good officials to officiate the games they sponsor. To that end, it means you hire the same officials that call middle school and high school ball. Given the number of children who participate in thier basketball program, they are forced to play games on every night of the week (7 days). Add all that up and you will, from time to time, have conflicts where an official is late due to a school game running late (or some other unavoidable reason). It has happened before, it WILL happen again -- I know Chuck and Jim (who basically run the basketball program) do EVERYTHING they can to ensure a smooth season and they do a great job, but these are some of the life's little nuances that we have to live with for quality officials. I'd be happy to call the games myself (I have a few times in the past), but you wouldn't want me doing it for a game that really counted ;-). I frankly find this very hard to believe. I used to receive all of the emails directly myself, they now go to the vice president (Robbie Watson) since I'm no longer a member of the Board of Directors. Emails sent to caainfo@4042.com are distributed to the sports committee chairman and they usually respond w/in 24-48 hours. Very few board members actually monitor these forums, with the caainfo@4042.com email address it is far easier for you to contact them there. As of Monday of this week, I no longer count since I'm no longer a board member. Either way, I'm sure they (Chuck and Jim) regret the tardiness of the officials those times, and I'm sure they are working very hard in the background trying to make sure it doesn't happen again but if it does -- remember, the board members are 100% volunteers w/outside jobs which they have to work to pay the bills same as any one of us. They receive a great deal of complaints or issues to resolve, yet they rarely hear the thank you they all genuinely deserve. All Children First -- It's a nice screen name, but it's a way of life for many (if not all) of the members of the GCAA Board of Directors.
i took the badge away from them and pinned it on myself thank you very much!! :lol: btw, All Children First, I wasn't talking about the webiste for GCAA. I was talking about the website for the Officials that are calling the games. If you want to know why they are consistently late ask them. They would be the ones to know. :idea: