GCAA Fall Rec Soccer Registrations Now Open

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by jeffm3434, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. jeffm3434

    jeffm3434 Well-Known Member

    Which fields are you referring to?

    LETSGOEERS!!! Well-Known Member

    The U08 field is the worst with U12 not far behind. I didn't get to look at the U06 and U10 fields, but I'll go look some night this week and let you know.
  3. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Cleveland School Fields or GCAA fields?

    LETSGOEERS!!! Well-Known Member

    GCAA on Cleveland School Road across from Cleveland Emporium.
  5. jeffm3434

    jeffm3434 Well-Known Member

    First, let me say I am not looking to "start a fight" over this. I think it is important to address mis-information when it is posted. And in this case, I am not certain what your motivation for this post is but you seem to be looking to scare parents away from playing soccer at our organization for "safety concerns".

    I have coached on the GCAA fields for the last 3 years and I will agree that the fields have been severely overused over the years. As the chairperson of Rec Soccer and a Board Member, safety is something that I do keep in mind. My kids have played on these fields every season and I would not allow my own kids to play if I thought it was unsafe. (Caveat: Every parent is ultimately responsible for the safety of their own child and should not blindly depend on any other adult or organization to fully shoulder that burden... just not a wise decision.)

    I am on the GCAA soccer fields at least once a week EVERY week of the year. So I will give you (and anyone else reading this thread) the true status of our fields.

    U04 (ATM) field... other than a problem with weeds making up a majority of the playing surface (instead of manicured bermuda grass), this field is in fairly decent shape. The field is level (no "craters"). The field drains well and is playable most of the year. The small children who play on this field always have a good time and are in no danger of hurting themselves.

    U08 (Very Back) field... yes this field is by far our worst. This field has had very little done to it to make the improvements that it needs. My understanding is that this field was created using some free or cheap fill dirt several years ago. This fill dirt evidently was not screened and therefore did contain rocks and glass that continue to surface as the kids play on it. This is the field that I have coached on for the last 2 seasons. I spend most games watching for glass and rocks and picking up anything I see. Parents and other coaches are more than welcome and encouraged to inspect the field and fix any safety concerns before play starts. This field does quickly turn to dirt with the older U08 kids playing on it. The soil is very compacted and so the grass does have a hard time taking root and thriving. This field is in dire need of several aeration treatments and a good top dressing of sand. However, the field does not have any "ankle-breaking craters" on it. I personally have run around on this field playing with my team and have never seen any kid severely injured (my team or the opposing team) from a field condition problem. The most common injury is a scraped knee or elbow from falling in the dirt (which can happen anywhere that kids play anything). There is a part of the field that has not been played on for the last year (so the grass has recovered on it) and that part will probably be used for U06 this season. The U08 will probably be moved to the biggest field with our U10 field.

    U12 Field (middle field)... The biggest problem with this field is weed control. And when I say "weeds" it means any green growth on the field other than bermuda grass (which is our preferred playing surface). So to us, weeds include fescue, bahia grass, clover, crabgrass, etc. The positive thing for this field is that while it might not be the right "kind of green" coverage that we want... at least the field is fairly well covered... not a lot of bare dirt spots. This field drains well and is very playable year round. The biggest safety concern for this field is a mole problem in the corner of the field near the pine trees and closest to Broadmoore. I typically try to stamp down the raised mounds from the underground trails whenever I see them. Beyond that, this field is safe and there are no craters that I am aware of. We have had several soccer camps on this field over the summer and to the best of my knowledge no kids or any of the adults who have been the instructors have had any safety problems.

    All of these above fields are probably at least as good as the fields used at other local organizations. Playing soccer is very destructive to the playing surface, especially when not properly cared for during the off-season. This care does cost money... sometime A LOT of money.

    U10 Field (front big field).... this field is now our absolute best field. Over the summer we just spent $17,000 on this field. The field was deep core aerated, top dressed with 100 tons of sand, and has been fertilized heavily. We are in the process of getting power to the well in the corner of this field and plan to have a sprinkler system on this field in the next year or two (depending on available funds). This field now has a carpet of bermuda grass covering 95% of the playing surface (would probably rival any high school soccer field in the area). There are no weeds present in the playing area. The field is not "perfect" by MLS or World Cup standards, but it is level and does have a VERY nice playing surface now. This by far will be the biggest surprise to any parent when they show up on the first day for games in a few weeks.

    Obviously what we have done for the biggest field we would love to do to every field. But as you can see by the number above ($17,000), this is not inexpensive. And shutting fields down and not allowing kids to play is not going to increase our income so that we could accomplish these goals. The only way for us to realistically fix our fields is for our program to continue to grow, to get more kids playing, hence more registration money to be able to afford these projects. It may seem strange to say that... but we have certain fixed costs that only change when certain thresholds are hit (a bit like tax brackets). The more kids we have, the lower realized per child cost for these items. Our target registration number is about 600 Rec Players. We have been around 400 for the last 3 or 4 seasons. If our growth picks up, we will have more money to spend on these desired improvements.

    I've heard several parents make comments in the past about how GCAA is more concerned about money than anything else. The truth is, these sports do cost money to run. It is more than buying some uniforms and a bit of equipment and then just throw kids on a field. There are insurance costs, referee costs, field maintenance costs (like mowing), water bills, electric bills, heating oil bills, etc. And then there is a ton of planning and work that must happen to make these sports work.

    This major field repair we just had done cost a lot of money and will continue to cost money to maintain. Aside from an occasional bond, our money comes from registration fees and sponsorship money. Obviously with the economy the way it is, sponsorship money has been even more difficult to obtain but we do keep trying and ask all of our parents to help with this effort.

    Our organization is very unique when compared to other local organizations. We have our own campus with an office building, a gym, 4 baseball/softball fields, 5 soccer fields, a concession stand, and (if all goes as planned) we will have a new concession stand/bathroom facility very soon (payed for with bond money). We also have the use of the fields at West View Elementary for games and practices and we use the Cleveland Elementary fields and the field behind C3 Church for practices. In soccer we no longer use our game fields at GCAA for practices (except U04... b/c they are so small that they don't damage the field and in U15 b/c we only have 2 teams and only have one field large enough for them which is at West View). No other local organization has this great of an opportunity. Most must depend on fields spread out around the town or community or solely use fields around local schools. While our set up is probably more convenient to the parents it does come at a price.... we are solely responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of these facilities. And when I say "we"... I mean all the parents in our community who want their kids to participate in sports at our organization. This truly is a group effort and something we should all be proud to have in our community.

    If you have any other questions, I invite you to email me directly at info@gcaasoccer.com and I will be happy to answer them directly. Or you (and everybody else in the community) are always welcome at our Board Meetings (every 3rd Monday of the month). So if you want to really know what is going on... just get involved.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2009
  6. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Go get em Jeff!!! I've had all 3 of my kids play at GCAA soccer, on every single field, and have never had a complaint about the fields. The only complaint I have ever had was having to use the C3 fields, because I had a baby and it was hard to walk that far from the parking lot, over ditches, etc...But as far as I'm concerned the fields are fine.
  7. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member


    I believe GCAA & all the volunteers do a wonderful job. My son has really enjoyed the time he has spend playing sports with GCAA & I am grateful to the numerous volunteers who have made this possible for him.

    LETSGOEERS!!! Well-Known Member

    I'm not looking to start a fight either. I just want parents to be informed before wasting their money and time to play on fields that are in horrible condition. You just confirmed what I said about those two fields. I know you need the revenue to make things better, but allowing kids to play on these fields to get the revenue is not the way or right. For those concerned, I will take some pictures if I can get by there tonight and post them later to show the conditions of the fields.
  9. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member


    Being "new" to the business / budget side of GCAA this year I am still in sticker shock over what some of these things cost. Not to mention the equipment, ie. goals, paint, flags etc.

    I say to you Jeff and the "rest of us" who get involved, volunteer, raise money, get sponsors, coach, etc ..... GREAT JOB!!!!!!!

    To the ones who just want to complain just join "us" and you'll see... we can use all the help, supplies, services and equipment you can give.
  10. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Why don't you post your picture?
  11. Redneck Rich

    Redneck Rich Well-Known Member

    He don't need all the soccer moms drooling over him. (Ya'll rather see mine?) lol
  12. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Drool over him??? LOL!!! I just think if you're going to complain about something then obviously you should feel so passionate about it to put a face with the complaint.

    I complain on here.... I'd say 85% of the posters know who I am and that's ok with me.
  13. jeffm3434

    jeffm3434 Well-Known Member

    Post all the photos you want. Be sure to post pics of the newly renovated field too!!! I'm sure people will be excited with what is possible when a few people care enough to work toward a common goal for all the kids in our community instead of standing back and complaining.

    I will tell you that from my experience over the last 2 years, you are in the minority with your complaints. Parents who are on teams that travel see that our organization is no worse than most others. That is not intended as an excuse... it's just the facts. The fields may not always "look good"... but they are safe. And in most cases, probably safer than the yards around where many kids live and play every day.... wide open fields with no cars to run into or to get run over by, no windows to get busted out by errant balls, no houses to run into etc. Sure, we get complaints every season about something.... what "business" doesn't? But a majority of the people in this community are happy, grateful, and thankful that their kids have a place to play and to bond with other kids in their community. I know I am. I just care a little more than some people b/c I actually take the time to speak with actions more than words (most of the time... sometimes I can't help myself and find it necessary to speak up... especially when someone looks to spread false information.)

    I still say the fields are safe and will continue to allow my kids to play there and will allow any other kids who want to as well. If you would like to donate about $35,000 or find someone who will, I will be happy to do the legwork to make the back field and the middle field look like our biggest field. I've done it for one... 2 more will be a piece of cake now!!! Heck, if you can find somebody to throw in an extra $40,000 or so I can probably even get sprinklers on all 3 of our largest fields.

    Oh... and while you are out there taking pictures of our "craters" on our soccer fields... why don't you take a couple of bags of play sand that you can get a Lowe's and a shovel and rake and fill them in for us. The pictures will not fix the problems... but a few bucks spent at Lowe's might help. Some nice before and after pics will make us all proud of you and grateful for your help. :p
  14. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

  15. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Well good than take a rake and a shovel with you and do something worthwhile....

    Been on and around those fields for 4-5 yrs now and I have no problem at all with what they have. Are they a plush carpet??? Heck no... but like it was pointed out it cost a lotta cash for maintaining those fields... Be fortunate and appreciative of what is there instead of bashing them... just don't go there if you don't like them.

    LETSGOEERS!!! Well-Known Member

    I think it’s a crime to say all these fields are safe for children to play on, but that’s my opinion. Hope you get the 40K you need. Maybe Mr. Turner will be your savior again.
  17. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    Look, this place has never been about having only good things to say about places. Everyone is entitled to their opinion even if they are in the minority. They don't need to get flamed over it. If the fields are any sort of concern go check them out and make your own decision about it. If you don't care about the condition of the fields just sign them up. Simple as that.
  18. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    No need to drag names in who aren't members that are known by that name, IMO.

    LETSGOEERS!!! Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the kind words mafia.

    LETSGOEERS!!! Well-Known Member

    Again thanks for the kind words.

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