GCAA Organization

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by me&them, Oct 8, 2011.

  1. me&them

    me&them Well-Known Member

    Take the time to create signs, and place them in the appropriate areas to allow parents, spectators and other attendees the proper locations in which to park. Also, if the road leading around the gymnasium is one way, then do not block the exiting driveway with cones when people are trying to leave. My suggestion is place a sign reading "Exit Only" or "One Way" like the sign adjacent to that drive. If plans are to have multiple events, then be prepared to have enough space to accomodate the events being held........
  2. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    LOL, you happy with anything GCAA?? Maybe you can donate your time to create signs and place them.
  3. Karmol

    Karmol Well-Known Member

    The road around the gymnasium is oneway? Opps!!!!
  4. me&them

    me&them Well-Known Member

    I am happy with GCAA! The preexisting conditions have resolved themselves. We be more than happy to create signs for them. Understand that if you are use to parking arrangements already in place, how do you change them and make others understand they have changed without a sign. One way in on the right hand side of the gym, park, enjoy the game, exit on the left hand side. That is how it has been now ever since I can remember!
  5. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    There are signs that say either "exit only" or "one way" ... I can't remember which... but they are there and guess what? Some people don't read them or just don't care.
  6. bostonredhead

    bostonredhead Well-Known Member

    What pre-existing conditions?

    Also, do you know the change was from GCAA? The senior apartments right there could've put something into place.

    RE: If plans are to have multiple events, then be prepared to have enough space to accomodate[SIC] the events being held........

    The GCAA has a huge piece of land. You could've parked over near the daycare or in the college's lot. I don't understand why you're complaining that you didn't get an exclusive spot.
  7. me&them

    me&them Well-Known Member

    Was not complaining about parking. Complaining about trying to leave out of parking lot next to gym when they had the exit blocked with cones. A line was formed behind myself trying to leave. You can not turn around and go back through a single lane of oncoming traffic.
  8. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    with a little throttle cones get mowed over
  9. bostonredhead

    bostonredhead Well-Known Member

    Ah - ok

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