Girl Scouts

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by All Children First, Jul 24, 2008.

  1. CheerBearNc

    CheerBearNc Guest

    hey, my daughter is in girl scouts and we can use some more girls. Last year my daughter was the only brownie and there were maybe a handful of other girls that were juniors. We are in Smithfield though. It might be a ride coming from polenta but if you are willing to take the ride I am sure that the troop can use more girls. We are across from the court house at the girl scout hut.
  2. "Everybody Loves Raymond"Cookies (2002)

    I just remembered this Raymond episode with the girl scout cookies :)

    "Everybody Loves Raymond"
    Cookies (2002)

    Raymond "Ray" Barone: They bought cookies from your friend, Peggy Hitler!
    Robert Barone: You have a friend named Hitler?
    Debra Barone: She's not my friend.
    Robert Barone: But her last name is Hitler?
    Debra Barone: She's not a Hitler.
    Raymond "Ray" Barone: She invaded our territory!
  3. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    That's the one routine from that movie I will never forget! :mrgreen:
  4. MamaApe

    MamaApe Well-Known Member

    What are the age requirements, etc. I would love to get my daughter involved in GS, I always wanted to be a brownie or GS but there were none that I grew up with. Please share any info you find. I am also in the Cleveland-McGees Area.
  5. wsmom

    wsmom Active Member

    Girls Scouts start in Kindergarten. The age levels and some of the names are changing this year and I haven't gotten up to speed with all that yet.

    You can PM or ask any questions you'd like. Also, you can contact 989-6030.

  6. JCGirlScouts

    JCGirlScouts Guest

    Hi Ladies,
    This is Christin Murphy, Membership Director for the Girl Scouts in Johnston County. I am sincerely sorry to hear about the problems you have encountered with Girl Scouts. If you are interested in placing your girl in a troop or would like to volunteer as a leader, please don't hesitate to call or email me at 989-6030 or

    You are correct that we are desparately lacking adult leadership for troops, especially in the Clayton, Cleveland and McGee's areas. Because of this it is extremely difficult to place all the girls that express interest in the program. However, with new easy to use programming I am hoping we will have lots of new troops starting this year.

    There will be a recruitment event at the park beside SSS in Smithfield on September 27th, 2008 where girls can come to learn more about the program. There will also be local recruitment events in your area that you can attend for more information. Flyers will be distributed in the schools within the next month with an interest form that can be mail to me, or you can visit us online at

    Please keep in mind that I am the only staff person for Johnston County serving 1500 girls and that most of the positions are volunteers. I am not sure what contacts you were given in the past, but we are working very hard to make sure that we have a volunteer in each area to start new troops and place girls.

    If at any time you have questions or concerns about Girl Scouting, please feel free to contact me directly. Girl Scouts is a wonderful organization that benefits both girls and adults in many ways. I hope that you all are able to enjoy what we have to offer in the near future.


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