kaci: that was terrific! I had never heard "guidance" defined like that before. Thanks for posting that for us. With your permission I'd like to use that for my next ENews to my church group. Kent A time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance. Ecclesiastes 3:4
Mother of 2, I know EXACTLY how you feel where your husband is concerned. Mine grew up in church and knows the truth but refuses to live by it and claims he has "his own way" of relating to God. Unfortuantely, his way does not produce the "fruit of the spirit" as it should. This shows me that his relationship is lacking somewhere......We do need to pray our hearts out for them. I have a book........somewhere in my house (we moved). It is called "Surviving a Spiritual Mismatch" by Leslie and Lee Stroebel. It was written by the husband (Lee) from the man's prospective when his wife is saved and in church and he is not. He wrote it after he was saved but felt that it would help wives to understand what their husbands are thinking and how they feel when their wives become Christians. His wife puts her stuff in it too. I felt like I had a new lease on life after i read that. And when you think what you are doing is right, may not be the ticket. We also must remember that no matter what, Lee stressed this, no matter what, WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR HUSBAND'S SALVATION OR HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. We're just not.....and that was a relief to me. We are to pray for them and be an example to them. It is up to them and God as to what happens. Do not get all out of whack on it. You can only be responsible for you and to raise your kids in TRUTH. No one will stand before God for you as you cannot stand for anyone else. The bible says we are not to be uneqaully yoked (believers marrying non-believers). But....it happens. We have one of the most difficult situations there is. We have to compromise our time with church and husband. It is very hard. But when the day comes and our husbands go to that altar and give it all to God, what a celebration!!!!!!! I myself feel somewhat disconnected at times from God. But those are the times he is closest to us and that we should be in prayer and communion with Him. You need to get back to the church you feel led to be in. The fellowship with other believers will help to get that "feeling" of closeness back. No, you don't have to be in a church to feel it, but unless you have a body of believers around you elsewhere, where else are you going to get it??? And the bible says to not forget the assembling of yourselves, which would be in church, either. That is another one of my husband's "things". He has an issue with me wanting to go more than he feels I need to at times. No, going to church will not solve every problem you have, if it did, everyone would be there, but it sure does help alot. Do you have a church home? I'm not trying to shove a church on you, but mine is a very small but quaint church with a peace I've never felt before. PM me if you'd like and I'll give you the info!!! By the way, I'm a "mother of 3". LOL
You don't need my permission, i received it in an email from my Mom - please feel free to share it with as many as possible.
Mother of 2: and my sister in Christ, I guarantee you that prayers are already being lifted up to the Lord for you, your husband, and your family. May I suggest the late Dr. Adrian Rogers' site, Love Worth Finding ministries, as a great resource for you and your husband. Dr. Rogers' powerful, Christ-centered messages offer a tremendous opportunity for you and your husband to listen together or individually about the very topics and issues that you are facing and have written about today. I listen to his broadcasts faithfully and ALWAYS, ALWAYS come away closer to the Lord after each message. I'm also in agreement with God'schild about encouraging you to find a local church to fellowship with and grow in the Lord together. I am confident that God will provide just such a place in a very short time. Rejoice in the Lord for He is faithful. Kent Love Worth Finding ministries home page http://www.lwf.org/site/PageServer Archived messages you can listen to: http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/Love_Worth_Finding/archives.asp Additional resources: http://www.oneplace.com/downloads/
I have a short praise I'd like to share: I recently purchased a 12x24 utility barn and had a friend help me wire it up. I knew I needed to rent a ditch witch to dig a trench for the u/g electric line, but I wasn't going to have time on the day I really wanted to get all of it done. I said, "Lord, I really would love to get everything completed today, but no matter what, I thank you for getting me this far along." Well, my buddy said I needed to run to Home Depot for a part he needed so I hopped in my truck and headed out the drive way. Next door at my mother's house was a subcontracting crew from the phone company getting ready to bury a new phone line for her with a brand-new ditch witch. I asked one of the guys if he'd have time to do a quick side job and he said, "No problem." As soon as they finished at my mother's, he brought his ditch witch over and dug my trench for me, and they even helped me cover the trench back up. He was only going to charge me $30, but I gave them $55 (which was all the cash I had on me), some ice cold water and two home-grown tomato sandwiches for a quick lunch break. You may call it coincidence. I call it God's blessing on His children. Thank you, Lord, for that small blessing on me. And Lord, as I soon begin my 4 day afternoon/evening shift, I look forward to the blessings You will bring my way today and the witnessing opportunities I may have to share the Good News that I serve a risen Savior, Jesus Christ. Kent
I just love this thread! God IS good all the time . . . I have a magnet on my desk that says "Get on your knees and thank God you're still on your feet". That's hard to do sometimes because we want to have a little pity party about what's not going right in our lives. My motto is let go and let God.
Thanks for the reminder. I have been struggling with this lately. My son had a wreck last week and things have been really stressful. Praise the Lord he was ok as he flipped his truck. Standing on the side of Hwy 210 last Tuesday I told him that he needed to get on his knees. He knows. You all know how busy that road is, right? He ran off the road, overcorrected, lost control, missed a huge brick subdivision sign by INCHES and missed a house by about 10 feet. He came to a stop on what he thought was the ditch embankment. He told me that he thought "whew, that was close" then he felt the truck turning over. He was really sitting on two wheels. There was no one coming toward him (on Hwy 210...imagine that) and seconds later a sherriff pulled up...before he could get out of the truck. No one can tell me that God's hands were not on him. The boy could write a book on how many times God has protected him in his short 18 years. From a tumor at 8 months that turned out to be benign, to a neighbors dog attacking him in 2000, etc. I could go on and on. As I said, I have struggled through all of the "wreck cleanup" to turn it all over to God. I know that He is in control at ALL TIMES. I think it is human nature to worry over things like car repairs, insurance, tickets etc but most of all I just wanted to make things "right" for my son. I can't to that. He has to take this responsibility on himself and learn his own lessons. God is GOOD and He has reminded me of that this past week. I praise Him from the tip of my toes for protecting my baby. So many JCo families have lost children this past year. I know He kept that road clear for Him and I know He will carry us throughout all that is to come. It amazes me that this thread will disappear for a while and then come back right when someone needs to be reminded of God's grace. I shouldn't really say that it amazes me because it's HIS thread. I consider myself a faithful Child of God but I was failing Him in my faith this week. He understood and once again has lifted me up.
Personal Testimony I made a traffic stop on a woman this past Tuesday whose license tags on her car had been expired for about 4 months. I’ll call her Mrs. Smith. This was more as a courtesy stop to remind her to take care of the expired tags before she gets a ticket from another LEO who might not be so understanding. “Who normally takes care of this? You? Your husband?”, I asked her. Mrs. Smith took just a moment to answer in a soft and reflective voice, “No, I have to take care of things like this myself because my husband was killed in Vietnam. He was a helicopter pilot.” I told her that I was sorry to hear about her husband. “Mrs. Smith, did your husband know the Lord?”, I asked her. “Yes he did”, replied Mrs. Smith. I then asked her if she knew the Lord, too. Was she a Christian? She replied, “Yes, I am a Christian. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior a long time ago. My faith is the only thing that has sustained me all these years since my husband was killed. It’s been very difficult, but I know that one day I will see my husband again, and most of all that I will see my Jesus face to face, and that I'll be in Heaven with them for all eternity.” I finished up my conversation with Mrs. Smith and went away blessed by her faith in the Lord. Is your faith this strong? Are you even sharing your faith with those you meet? Are you talking about anything and everything but the Good News that we serve a risen Savior? Time is of the essence. It's running out for those who don't know the Lord. You may be THE ONE that God has put in someone's path to turn them around. Don't squander an opportunity to make an eternal difference in someone's life. Have a great and blessed day! And, remember, GOD LOVES YOU! Kent
On a lighter note: Subject: It's So Dry in NC...:lol: It's so dry in North Carolina that the Baptists are starting to baptize by sprinkling, The Methodists are giving out wet-wipes, The Presbyterians are giving out rain-checks, and The Catholics are praying for the wine to turn back into water!
How many to change a light bulb? Bandmom: that was funny! - - - - - - - - - - - - - Since we're having a good time... How many Charismatics does it take to change a light bulb? Only one since his/her hands are in the air anyway. -Or- Five. One to change the bulb and four to bind the spirit of darkness in the room. How many Calvinists does it take to change a light bulb? None. God has predestined when the lights will be on. -Or- Calvinists do not change light bulbs. They simply read out the instructions and pray the light bulb will decide to change itself. How many neo-evangelicals does it take to change a light bulb? No one knows. They can't tell the difference between light and darkness. How many Pentecostals does it take to change a light bulb? Ten. One to change the bulb and nine to pray against the spirit of darkness. How many TV evangelists does it take to change a light bulb? One. But for the message of light to continue, send in your donation today. How many fundamentalists or independent Baptists does it take to change a light bulb? Only one because any more would be compromise and ecumenical standards of light would slip. How many liberals does it take to change a light bulb? At least ten, as they need to hold a debate on whether or not the light bulb exists. Even if they can agree upon the existence of the light bulb, they still may not change it to keep from alienating those who might use other forms of light. How many Anglicans or Catholics does it take to change a light bulb? None. They always use candles. How many campfire worship leaders does it take to change light bulb? One. But soon all those around can warm up to its glowing. How many Episcopalians does it take to change a light bulb? Ten. One to call the electrician, and nine to say how much they liked the old one better. -Or- Four. One to change the bulb. One to bless the elements. One to pour the sherry. And one to offer a toast to the old light bulb. How many Baptists does it take to change a light bulb? CHANGE??????? -Or- At least 15. One to change the light bulb, and three committees to approve the change and decide who brings the potato salad. How many Southern Baptists does it take to change a light bulb? About 16,000,000. However, they are badly divided over whether changing the bulb is a fundamental need or not. How many Nazarenes does it take to change a light bulb? Two. One to change the bulb. Another to replace the new with the old after shaking it and finding it can be revived with a second blessing. -Or- Six. One woman to replace the bulb while five men review church lighting policy. How many United Church of Christ members does it take to change a light bulb? Eleven. One to change the light bulb. And ten more to organize a covered dish supper that will follow the changing of the bulb service. How many Lutherans does it take to change a light bulb? There is some question here. But we have it on good authority that they have appointed a committee to study the issue and report back at their next meeting. -Or- We read that we are to so fear and love God that we cannot by our own effort or understanding comprehend the replacement of an electromagnetic photon source. It is, rather by faith, NOT by our efforts (effected toward the failed worldly incandescence), that we truly see, and that our own works cannot fully justify us in the presence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Of course, it is still dark. -Or- None. Lutherans don't believe in change. How many Amish does it take to change a light bulb? What's a light bulb? How many Mormons does it take to change a light bulb? Five. One man to change bulb & four wives to tell him how to do it. How many Presbyterians does it take to change a light bulb? None. Lights will go on and off at predestined times. How many Unitarians does it take to change a light bulb? 300. 12 to sit on the Board which appoints the Nominating and Personnel Committee. 5 to sit on the Nominating and Personnel Committee, which appoints the House Committee. 8 to sit on the House Committee, which appoints the Light Bulb changing committee. 4 to sit on the Light Bulb Changing Committee, which chooses who will screw in the Light Bulb--those 4 then give their own opinion of "screwing in methods" while the one actually does the installation. After completion it takes 100 individuals to complain about the method of installation and another 177 to debate the ecological impact of using the light bulb at all. How many United Methodists does it take to change a light bulb? We choose not to make a statement either in favor of or against the need for a light bulb. However, if in your own journey, you have found that a light bulb works for you, that is fine. You are invited to write a poem or compose a modern dance about your personal relationship to your light bulb and present it next month at our annual light bulb Sunday service, in which we will explore a number of light bulb traditions, including incandescent, fluorescent, three-way, long-lived, and tinted; all of which are equally valid paths to luminescence through Jesus Christ. -Or- Undetermined. Whether your light is bright, dull, or completely out, you are loved --you can be a light bulb, turnip bulb, or tulip bulb. Church wide lighting service is planned for Sunday. Bring bulb of your choice and a covered dish. Kent
Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration - 128 years of non-stop praying Out of the blue the Lord brought The Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration of LaCrosse, Wisconsin to my mind and led me to make this post. Several years ago while on a business conference in LaCrosse, I had the pleasure of visiting the Convent and learning about this wonderful group of women. At 128 years and counting, the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration have been praying nonstop longer than anyone in the United States. The praying began on August 1, 1878, at 11 a.m. If you ever get anywhere near LaCrosse, I encourage you to stop by for a visit. You'll be blessed beyond measure. Here's their story: http://www.fspa.org/spirituality/perpetual2.asp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prayer references I had written in my notebook that I keep in my patrol car: Pray to me and I will answer you. Jeremiah 33:3 The Lord shows his true love every day. At night I have a song, and I pray to my living God. Psalm 42:8 Hear my prayer, oh God; give ear to the words of my mouth. Psalm 54:2 And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive. Matt 21:22 But will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. Acts 6:4 With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the Saints. Ephesians 6:18 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Phil 4:6 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. James 5:16 I'm not sure who this post is meant for, but it has made me refocus how much time I spend in a meaningful dialogue with the Lord. Kent
I Asked For... I asked for strength... and God gave me difficulties to make me strong I asked for wisdom... and God gave me problems to solve I asked for prosperity... and God gave me brawn and brain to work I asked for courage... and God gave me dangers to overcome I asked for patience... and God placed me in situations where I was forced to wait I asked for love... and God gave me troubled people to help I asked for favors... and God gave me opportunities I received nothing I wanted. I received everything I needed. MY PRAYER HAS BEEN ANSWERED! ~ Source Unknown ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Have a blessed day in the Lord! Kent
Once Upon A Pew I Sat Once upon a pew I sat And heard the preacher ask, "We need someone to teach a class, Now who will take this task?" Then God sat down beside me there And said, "Son, that's for you." "But, Lord, to stand before a class Is one thing I can't do. Now Bill would be the man to call, There's nothing he won't do. I'd rather hear the lesson taught From here upon my pew." Once upon a pew I sat And heard the preacher ask, "We need someone to lead the songs, Now who will take this task?" Then God sat down beside me there And said, "Son, that's for you." "But Lord, to sing before a crowd Is one thing I can't do. Now Brother King will do the job, There's nothing he won't do. I'd rather hear the music played From here upon my pew." Once upon a pew I sat And heard the preacher ask, "I need someone to keep the door, Now who will take this task?" Then God sat down beside me there And said, "Son, that's for you." "But saying things to strangers, Lord, Is one thing I can't do. Now Tom can talk to people, Lord, There's nothing he won't do. I'd rather someone come to me And greet me on the pew." As years just seemed to pass me by, I heard that voice no more Until one night I closed my eyes And woke on heaven's shore. 'Twas four of us together there To face eternity. God said, "I need just three of you To do a job for me." "O Lord, I cried, "I'll do the job, There's nothing I won't do." But Jesus said, "I'm sorry, Friend, In Heaven there's no pew." ~ Author Unknown ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This time of the year many church nominating committees are meeting to fill positions within the church for the upcoming year, usually beginning in September/October. Are you willing to put your spiritual gifts to use? God has a plan for you and it's not sitting on your hands being spiritual couch potatoes. Maybe it's being a Sunday School teacher as the poem suggests. Perhaps it's joining a Bible Study. Maybe it's LEADING a Bible Study in your home. Maybe He's calling you to the mission field. Take that step of faith and be obedient to God's calling in your life. Kent
I Pledge Allegiance To The Lamb - Ray Boltz Time for a song and message at the same time. Early Ray Boltz video that is still as strong as ever. http://video.aol.com/video-detail/id/792468352 Kent P.S. - It's the middle of the week and things may not be going your way. But remember, God Loves You!
This young band is wonderful and I love this song: "Tears of the Saints" by Leeland http://youtube.com/watch?v=LBmZ1wepb1A Lyrics and the story behind the song are found here: http://www.jesusfreakhideout.com/lyrics/new/track.asp?track_id=4976 ENJOY!!
David Phelps - No More Night http://video.aol.com/video-detail/id/897015568 One of my favorite artists. Can you imagine being in Heaven for all Eternity? My little brain just can't take it in, but I know it's coming. What peace of mind I have knowing I've reserved my place with Jesus, and that my family is also ready. What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see! Are you ready? Do you know that you know that you KNOW your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life? Have a great day in the Lord tomorrow. And remember, God Loves You! Kent
As many of you know, my father passed away in May. I got the call from my stepmother on Thursday evening, the 3rd of May, telling me that he was no longer responsive and that I should get there soon. I was angry as I drove all the way to Virginia, because I was supposed to be notified before he was unresponsive, so I could have a few precious last words with him. As I drove, I prayed that he would wait for me to get there so I could tell him one more time how much I loved him, and what a wonderful father he had been. When I got there, I spoke to Daddy, but I got no response so I just sat there and held his hand and talked to him. I talked about things from when I was a little girl, and thanked him for always being there for me. For some reason, I was bothered greatly by the fact that I would never hear his voice again. I was also worried that he was scared. He hadn't accepted his imminent death for the last few months that he had known about it, and I didn't want him to be frightened. I had worked all day and then drove 3 hours to get to Roanoke. I was physically and emotionally exhausted, so when my older sister got there about 5:30am, I went to lie down for a bit. I was in the back bedroom of the house, but I couldn't sleep. I was lying there thinking about how much I wanted to hear his voice, and I prayed to God to please let me hear his voice just one more time. Almost immediately, I heard him. I heard my dad call out to my grandmother, who passed away in the 80s. His voice was full of surprise and joy and not the least bit of fear. I felt a huge relief upon hearing his voice, and I felt calmer than I had since I got the phone call earlier that evening. I got up to go into the den where his hospital bed was, and I knew that he was already gone. My sister met me in the hallway and I told her I already knew. When I went in to kiss him goodbye, he looked so peaceful. I asked my sister if by chance he said anything before he passed, and she said that he had not spoken at all. My father and I were very, very close. Even at my age, he was still my hero. I miss him more than I can express, but I thank God for not only letting me hear his voice one more time, but for also letting me hear the joy I heard in it because I know that his passing was a moment of joy for him.
He's My King! http://gatewaytojesus.com/video10myking.html - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I hope everyone is having a great and blessed first part of the week. The Lord led me to this video this morning about 1 am. It blessed me and I'll be hitting the rack with Jesus on my mind! As the old saying goes, instead of counting sheep, just talk to the Shepherd! Kent