Good Hair Salon

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by lindsaywquinn, Jan 10, 2008.

  1. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    I'm glad you liked her!
  2. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    She straightened my hair, which I love getting done, and now I never want to shower again so it'll stay like this forever!! :lol:

    Does anyone know of anything hairstylists can do to make curly hair "permanently" straight? I asked one years ago, and they did say there was something that could be done to last about 6 months, which would be great. Was it relaxers or something like that? I forgot to ask her yesterday, but it's something I'd love to get done sometime. Even if it lasted a few months, it'd be a ncie change. I get tired of curly, dry, frizzy hair, and there's only so much you can do with it!
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I had a friend get it done (don't know why, her hair is gorgeous curly!) over in Raleigh, it is some sort of Japenese process. It looked great, very natural, but I'm thinking it was about $150, and that was a couple years ago.
  4. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    That would be nice, cause it takes me 45 min..not including shower and makeup to get mine ready..and it's the short style..I'm not sure how that would work with someone that has highlights and color, I would think that would do some damage as well to your hair.
  5. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    ouch! Not sure if I would want to do sister was the only one that didn't like my hair cut, she was like you had long curly hair and it was your trade mark and people alway said they want your hair, I was like I wanted a change.
  6. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I know what you mean! Just tell her it's only hair, and it grows back!! I had mine cut way short last fall, had fairly mixed reviews on it. DH didn't like it at all. So I've been letting it grow back out, now I hate it, because it looks like it did 20 years ago. It's almost long enough to do something different with it again, but I had gotten it permed so I could do something with it at all. My hair is naturally stick straight, no bend whatsoever. Impossible to deal with while it's growing out. We ain't never happy, are we?? :mrgreen:
  7. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    no we aren't lol, I did tell her that..I think I have always made a big deal about getting it cut and how much was cut off it was a shock to her. Heck I'm already talking about next time getting it cut shorter in the back.
  8. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    My six year old has beautiful, long, red, curly hair. She has only had one trim and really needs another. We are also considering getting it cut much shorter (currently is at her bottom when wet). With summer swimming, I think it would be much easier to care for if shorter BUT I also think it would be a crime to have it cut short :lol:. Right now we only comb in the shower with lots of conditioner. I'm hoping a trim will eliminate more tangles and make it easier to manage. I am looking for suggestions for a stylist who knows curly hair and is good with children. Suggestions?
  9. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Sheri - I know what you mean, my hair is the same exact way! Everyone always says they love my long, curly, red hair, but I hate it! You can't do anything with it unless you condition, spray, spritz, gel, and whatever else it takes to get it looking decent. I would spend $150 to straighten it if it lasted a few months, it's so much easier for me to do my hair when it's straight. It has plenty of body, so that's not a problem, it's just so darn boring and old!

    (btw, it's still straight right now, in fact I skipped the gym this morning so I could skip a shower this morning so it would stay straight! Do I really have to wash the straight out??):cry:
  10. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    LOL, you sound like me, I hate to wash it out too. But, with my type of hair I wash it every other day anyways, so if I do it straight I at least have it for two days lol. I don't know if I would be willing to pay 150 for that, cause I like having options on how I would like to wear it..but right now, I don't think it looks good curly..
  11. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I have naturally curly hair too. I am not sure what cut you gal's have, but I have learned to blow dry mine straight with a fat round brush, and it takes me about 8 minutes to do my hair. I had to learn how to do it. There are lots of good products on the market now too, to maintain the staightness. I bet you could do it yourself, with practice. If I can, anyone can.:)
  12. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    I have one of those, and I tried it, but I have carpal tunnel (sp) from cake decorating and let me tell you the other day I was like omg it hurt so bad..pulling on it and all..and nope wasn't going to work doing it that way. I dry as much as I can, and then I have a iron that dry's and staightens at the same time. It works ok..and then I go over it again with another iron as well.
    once it's done it stays that way pretty good.
    What products do you use?
  13. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I use the matirx line of 'sleek ' products, shampoo, conditioner and masque( as well as Biosilk smoothing serum on damp hair, before drying.

    I feel ya on the CPS and the pain. I have a touch of rheumatoid (sp?)arthritis in my left thumb, that hurts like a MF'er, but, I gots to have my straight hair. LOL. I keep my hair shoulder length and layered to ease the drying time. I used to keep it longer, but it just hurt too bad to dry it. Beauty is painful, as a women you know. :mrgreen:
  14. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    That stuff is expensive isn't it? Where do you get it?
    I have some stuff here, but I want better stuff..
    Well, my hair was cute a couple weeks ago, it's way above my shoulders now lol..but it's thick as well..which tends to take longer to dry.
  15. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    its not that expensive. it's worth it. I usually get it at Ulta, which I always have 20% or $5 coupons. For the results, and I have tried them all, for this climate, especially the humidity in the summer, it works....
  16. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    Where is that at? Ulta, never heard of it?
  17. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Oh Girl, we need to get you out! LOL :lol: Its over at CrossRoads in Cary and I think there is one near Triangle Town Center. It is a store all makeup (bare escentuals and any other brand known to man) and hair products (all salon products) and perfumes (all dept store brands)...all stuff girly. :mrgreen:
  18. BeachGirl

    BeachGirl Member

    Best Hair Salon

    I have to second anyone who Said HeadQuarters Salon is the best place to go! I have lots of friends that have been to HeadQuarters Salon. I personally have heard lots of good things about Jennifer. She is very nice to her clients and is always helpful in deciding what's best for the client. Ask for her! HeadQuarters is where the new Lowes Foods is at 42 and 50. Good Luck!
  19. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    lol, well I have to admit I haven't been over there in like 4 years. I don't go shopping cause I don't have the money to do so. It's a sad thing. :(. But, if I want something I try and save up for it. If I go into that store It would be a bad thing for me :mrgreen:
  20. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I too, have to be very disciplined when I go in there. It can be hard. I usually go for something specific, like my BareEscentuals or hair products, I try not to stray too much. :mrgreen: they carry their own line of products (nail polish, eyeshadows, mascaras, etc) and they are always 2 for $10 or buy one get one free, which is a good deal. Maybe you can venture out there one day.

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