good night liberals

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by seabee, Sep 3, 2008.

  1. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Maybe, maybe not on the speechwriter thing, but it is certainly from the Bush/Rove playbook. Page 457: Pander to your base by repeating ignorant 'comebacks' until they begin to believe it (Footnote: see 'fuzzy math', 'flip-flopper', 'He's a muslim', 'No experience, well, at least not as much executive experience', 'I'm not proud of my country', etc.). The convention seemed a lot more of the same from 2000 and 2004. Neither convention has a tremendous amount of substance (they normally don't). They did address a few issues last night, but nothing in depth and no specific, nor general, plans to address them. At least not that I can see. It seems as though they were more concerned with putting the otherside down.

    It isn't a personality contest, folks. It is whether or not you want another 8 years like we just had.
  2. seabee

    seabee Guest

    why don't you go ahead and lean back where you belong to the left, one thing is certain I know where I stand and I don't lean.
  3. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    No where you stand is in a pile of what is left behind after a weekend of Mule Days in Benson. I'm curious, since this is your alter ego, what is your other screen name?
  4. seabee

    seabee Guest

    They did address energy and what ideas they have to help, build natural gas line from prudhoe to mainland US, more nuclear plants, clean coal, continue to move ahead on solar, wind, geo thermal, and other alternative fuels. These in turn creates jobs and tax base. Deal with the issues that have buisneeses moving overseas, Taxes and restrictions on buisnesses don't help.

    speaking of taxes they have touched on those also and wants to address Government growth and control, incl pork barrel spending which both sides are guilty of, they don't take lightly our security and like it was mentioned not much reference from the dems on islamist radicals, don't kid yourselves on the threat they pose. There will be more touched upon tonight and thru out the next few months. What are the Dems plans to deal with the issues I didn't get much out of them.
  5. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    The Republicans think Ms. Palin's speech was right on, knocked everyone's socks off, and was the greatest speech since the Beatitudes.

    The Democrats think Ms. Palin's speech was lame, off topic, and written by monkeys using crayons and charcoal briquettes.

    This is reflected here as well as in pretty much every media outlet that is willing to report about the convention.

    So, what's new with you?
  6. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    After a long day of working and taking care of my family and pets I was asleep before Mrs. Palin ever took the stage. I just couldn't hang. I was awake again in the wee hours and watched MSNBC (i have a crush on Olbermann) to see how the night's events went. It sounds as though she 'rallied' everyone in the place.
  7. seabee

    seabee Guest

    I have no alter ego none is needed, my screen name is what it is Seabee, and if standing firm on the right means standing in a pile mule crap in your opinion which is like the crap I'm standing in is fine by me, thats why they make rubber boots
  8. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    Thanks for noticing that the Dems have been at all the festivals! :)

    Your welcome. I love that both parties give each of the local communities an opportunity to chat in a very relaxed atmosphere.

    Actually, I think Bob Barr is the candidate of the Libertarian Party, not the Independent Party. The Libertarians have just recently qualified as a party again, and they now have 858 registered voters in NC.

    (laughin') I knew he is the candidate for the Libertarian Party....but it seems folks here in NC/Johnston County don't know what to call themselves. I've had someone tell me they were voting for the Unaffiliated Party and supported Barr. It's akward.
  9. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Well..if she meant what she said in her speech last night...she could give a rats a@@ what media says about her
  10. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    They lied about the Democrats' tax proposals. All of the independent analysis I have seen shows that Obama's tax proposal will be more beneficial to middle class, working people than McCain's plan. If you didn't get much on the Democrats' plans to deal with the issues, it's because you weren't paying attention.

    It's no accident that the Democrats did not refer to "Islamic terrorists." The Bush administration itself is trying to unlink the term, for very good reasons. The rest of the Republicans would be wise to follow suit.

    There's more at that link, it's a fairly long article.
  11. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Unaffiliated party, that's funny! :lol:
  12. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Islamist radicals, no need sugar coating who they are because you may offend them, I'm glad to hear and see they put it out front in the speeches incl/ Chavez, Ahmenijad, Putin also clear threats to the stability of our security.
  13. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Oh, gee, who would have thought that a speech from the nominated Republican VP candidate would rally a room full of Republicans.

    You missed the point. The media are just as biased as the people here. Fox says she hit it out of the park, MSNBC says she screwed the pooch.

    My point was that it really doesn't matter.
  14. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    So once again, you miss the point entirely. It's not about offending terrorists; it's about cultivating good relationships with people who can be important allies in the war against terrorism, by not insulting them and lumping them in with the terrorists.
  15. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    this article backs media bias...........
  16. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Ahhh....yes, I agree and I agree it doesn't matter either.
  17. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

  18. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    I think the article shows both sides being biased, meaning foxnews and US Weekly.
  19. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

  20. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    Actually, MSNBC did not say that. There were some on that station who picked her speech apart but I have to tell you that I watched Morning Joe this morning from beginning to end and that group were praising her speech and delivery. Biden was one of the guest and even said he'd have to work on his debate skills because now he knows she'll be a tough opponent.

    I did agree with Olbermann when he mentioned about her giving the date out publicly about her son's deployment to Iraq and that he was in the Infantry. She is now in the international media and that possibly puts his life in danger and those in his unit. There are some things which we at the USO are privilige to and we know not to discuss certain topics.

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