After all the nomination votes were counted (after 12:30 am) I flipped it to MSNBC and there was a male reporter interviewing attendees and he was making really derogatory comments about them after they finished talking and it was a disgrace. He was just nasty! After he finished a female reporter interviewed a woman and she said she was pro-choice and didn't really care for Palin until after the speech, she said she identifies with her as a Mother, working woman, etc. and has changed her mind and will vote Republican. Point is at least the female reporter wasn't rude to the woman's face, even though she did make a bs comment about the interviewee's comments.
I didn't watch the whole thing but I did see Giuliani & Palin and I was quite impressed with both of their speeches.
I know some will disagree, but MSNBC is the most biased of the cable news stations...even more than Fox News. The only reason I watch them is for a gauge of what the liberal media is spouting since they are the epitome of it. Then also I'll occasionally stop to watch Keith Olbermann just to get the liberal wacko point of view.
He was so much more tolerable as one half of the tag team with Dan Patrick on Sportscenter back in the day.
Well, not all right on. In fact, this article points out a lot of what I have been saying about the Republicans...repeat something that is borderline factual enough and people will start to believe it. Set aside how you may think of me and my views and actually read this article and let me know what you think.
He should've stayed with sports. For the record, about the only tolerable MSNBC show I can watch is Joe Scarborough, although all those shows are nothing more than just like taking an opinionated radio show or blog and spinning the fool out of it. It's okay to hear in the prime time depending on your political choosings, but this biasness is getting to be something you hear day and night. Personally, I think Palin did an excellent job with her speech and gave the public good reason to see why McCain picked her, but Fox News doesn't need to be airing the speech over and over and then using soundbites. Ever since her speech last night, Fox has been playing it religiously while MSNBC cuts people off, breaks inappropriately for commercials and generally just acting rudely. I'll call it playground journalism. When I want commentary, I seek it out. During the day, just give me the news straight up.
I found this article interesting. Listed in columns...Obama/McCain, different issues and plans as to how to proceed on a number of issues;
I did not see the male reporter do his interview but I did see a bit of the female reporter's interview. My impression was that she thought that she possibly found a female who was pro-choice and might have some interesting comments for the camera, but in the end the female she interviewed related to Palin as a 'mom' and security/safety issues for her family's future. The woman interviewed stated that safety/security for her family was more important to her at this time in history in the world than her view on pro-choice. She prioritized her issues and pro-choice came in 2nd. I think that disappointment the female reporter.
Personally, I've all but stopped watching Fox News. I do not like my news shouted at me. Occassionally, I will turn it on and the moment someone raises their voice I switch to TVLand. I am the same way with MSNBC; start to raise your voice and it's TVLand for me.
Good grief, what a bunch of cry baby conservatives! The media is bias, the sky is falling the sky is falling. For a bunch of grown ups you sure don't act like it. The media is what it is, deal with it or start your own media group. Something like Rush. :lol: But please, quit the same old crying complaint.
Excuse me but wasn't there a lot of complaining about bringing her daughter into the public eye? And rightfully so! But I have heard her son pushed to the forefront repeatidly during the last week as one of the reasons she should be the VP? Can we say Hypocrite!
Me, personally, I did not complain about her daughter being discussed in the news. I did comment on how Obama is running on "Change" but what I saw on was some people raking her over the coals which appeared to be the same 'ole same 'ole Washington DC campaigning. As for me, personally, if a young adult makes an adult decision to do something then they need to remember to be adult enough for anything which is a result of that decision. My son would tell his friends that he knew if he ever got arrested for anything to call his dad because his mom would let him sit in jail and find his own way out. That was never something I told my son but his interpretation of what I would do in that situation was on the money. But I would not talk derrogatory about someone else's child if that child ended up in trouble for something. That's just wrong.
I agree that there are wackos on both sides and am glad you don't want to be associated with them either. What scares me is that there are congressmen and respected Democrats who are openly courting some of the wackos on the left. Daily Kos is the blog that started the investigation into the faked Palin pregnancy and kept it alive even after so much evidence showed it to be without merit. Democratic Underground took it even further and floated all kinds of nasty rumors on their front page. Mainstream journalists requested DNA samples from Palin through the McCain campaign to disprove a rumor they read on one or both of these sites. I call these kook sites because kooks are given front page posting privileges there, but my point is that some congressmen and senators post on Kos, as does Elizabeth Edwards, Keith Olbermann and others. These sites have been pulled into the Democratic mainstream because politicians are afraid of getting on their bad side and being targeted and the sites can direct money and votes to the politicians. Instead of distancing themselves from these sites which have become incredibly nasty and outrageous hives of conspiracy theorists, they embrace them and too many news networks are following their lead on stories with no basis in fact. They are getting burned by it though. Please read this post (yes, it is a conservative site, but the info is easily confirmed). It details several instances of the mainstream media picking up stories from Kos that end up being completely false.
I think there were no comments about democrats. Why do you think that is? Yes, it may be because it was a news item posted during the RNC, but where is the comparable one that should have been run during the DNC? There are a lot of falicies being thrown out by both sides, yet you only seem to point out the ones from the other party. Again, why is that? For a more impartial look at truth in political advertising (othetr than a news blurb from API), you might want to check out FactCheck.Org.
Fox News, just like MSNBC News, is not "news" it's commentary. Here's a hint that will help you to tell which is which, when they have "anchors" who discuss the news with each other, that's opinion, not news. When the "anchor" talks to the camera, that's news (well, mostly).
Seems she gets a lot more credit for son about to be deployed then Biden gets for his son about to be deployed.
Yes, actually they are. I read it all last night on the liberal blogs, and its been out there all day today. And Biden's speech barely got coverage, it was so boring and more of the same liberal B.S.