Just looked on line and they are selling the Garmen 200 2009 package for $69.00. 95% of the time I don't have any issues, so I figure I can wait till next April and download the 2010 package. https://my.garmin.com/maps/updates.htm
My Nuvi's name is Floozie... not that I don't know how to get to my families homes up north. But, last Christmas, we put the fate of our trip in her hands to see how she would direct us, and if it might actually be any quicker than the way we always go. She took us through every 'hood she could find! We went through downtown DC, downtown Baltimore, she wanted me to get of I-95 at 17th street in NYC after spending 90 minutes trying to get over the GW Bridge! So...she got dubbed with the name Floozie. On another note, wait until the Black Friday sale flyers start leaking out. Last year my mom told me that this is what my aunt does, and it worked. Look for the Black Friday websites, find where what you want will be on sale after Thanksgiving. Buy it early in the week, and then bring it back under their "price quarantee" to get the sale price without having had to get in line at 4:00am for it. Last year, I bought mine at Circuit City on Tuesday of Thanksgiving week for $429, I saw online in their Black Friday sales flyer that it would be on sale through the weekend for $329. So I went back to Circuit City on Saturday and asked them to honor their "price guarantee" and refund me the difference, and they did. They may not honor their "price guarantee" on the VERY limited quantity items that they call "Doorbusters" (ie: 6:00am-8:00am) specials.
Garmin Definitely go with the Garmin. Costco/Price club had a Nuvi 500 something, bluetooth phone etc. for $200 delivered. Check out the website. Same with tires. They have some awesome deals on the website.