Izzy I hope she don't leave, but I get the feeling that Denny (is that right) was there for her :-( I think she is a beautiful girl, but I agree with someone who posted before she has been weepy and desterebed in the last episodes. I know I'll be crying when she leaves... (I'm just a sap) Anyone notice that Baily said she is tired?? Maybe they'll spice up her role as well...never know. Another great show to watch is Private Practice it comes on, on Wednesday nights on abc at 8 or 9 can't remember. It has Addison in it. It's also a tear jerker at times and funny. If you watch it next week let me know if you like it :lol: Sorry for the crappy spelling....
I was wondering about the Bailey thing. She kept refering to being tired and made the comment how she knew Torres was tired. Are they going to be tired togethter? Both have had some pretty busted up relationships lately. Just a thought????
So very true about their relationships... I know she mentioned in a previous episode that her and her husband was doing marriage counseling. I hope they don't end this show, bc I LOVE to watch it. They are tired, Izzy is going crazy... :?
ok...this is just not fair, i love this show. it is one of my ways to excape fom reality right now. and now they are going to kill off one of my fav. characters. i never thought of izzy seeing denny as a sign that she was going to die, i just thought she was going crazy, but now i really see it...saying i will be there for you and stuff. i wish i had someone there for me like that!! i already cry enough at the tv and now they are going to make me cry even more. guess i have to go and buy more tissues.