HA! Deal! I'm a closet pyro ....LOLOL....I love to have bonfires. Which reminds me I have a big pile of branches that need to be laid to rest via cremation. Hmmmmm, :mrgreen:
Sorry i missed ya last night Redsky, DS was gonna come take a look at it for ya and not to be braggin, but he knows his stuff:lol:
Being from a farm family we burn things regularly... wheat fields are the latest. The FD was called for a fire by my house just this past weekend. Pyros run deep in my family, too. They aren't closeted ones either... they flaunt it like a California flamer.:lol:
Not only did I turn off the computer I turned off my router!!! Nada, nothing, zip, zilch! POS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just wondering ... have you tried your guitar on someone else's system ... or tried someone elses guitar on yours?
Problem solved!!! I returned the wireless one and got a WIRED one!!!!!!! :hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray: Thanks everyone!! I just couldn't handle the wireless thing...I was ready to set my backyard on fire with it and some gasoline.