Hab Techs needed in Benson Area

Discussion in 'Jobs Network' started by Jenna's Mom, Jul 9, 2010.

  1. Jenna's Mom

    Jenna's Mom Well-Known Member

    I hope the agency that handles my daughter's caregiver doesn't get mad about this. I just found out that our Habilitation Tech has left and I hope that a replacement is found soon. My daughter has a CAP MR/DD waiver and a big part of that waiver is an aide that helps with basic every day things and helps teach her to do these things on her own. They also provide much needed respite care for the families of these special needs children and adults.

    I really have no say in the hiring, but hoping that people will see this and apply. The ad from the agency is on craig's list. We live in the Benson area.


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