Hair Straightening

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by colinmama, Aug 20, 2008.

  1. blessed2adopt2

    blessed2adopt2 Well-Known Member

    2 of my nieces on DH side of the family have kinky curly hair. They have both had the salon straightening done, and it looks beautiful. The only thing is the upkeep. When new hair grows in, it does come in kinky/curly for them.

    Personally, I one of the (many) perms I've had over my lifetime was fine until it started growing out. I decided to have the hairdresser straighten it out. I realized that all he did was put another perm in my hair, but instead of using rollers, he just combed it thru.

    If anyone out there is african american, I'd appreciate your input. Our daughter is AA, and she has what I'm told a great texture of hair, however it's a really tight curl. I do my best to keep it in good condition, etc. The salon I take her to (Shades of Beauty on 70, 550-8550) does her hair (braids, puffs, etc). I'm taking my daughter there on Tues to get it sort of relaxed. They said it will not be straight, but just easier for me to fix in the morning before she goes to school. ...she starts K this coming fall.
  2. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    It is around $50.00 to $60.00 but well worth it. The straightener lasts a long time and she makes sure to check out what type of hair one has so that she can decide how long to leave it on. The first time she will not leave it on to long because she is testing. The next time she will have it down pat. I will tell you that after getting it done my hair dries faster, I have no frizz and I am able to style my hair any way I want.

  3. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    Use Alberto VO5. Yep...that same stuff our mothers used. Just a little dab on your fingertips and spread it all over your hair. It makes all the difference in the world. Makes your hair look very healthy, and the heat from the straight iron causes the wonderful conditioning powers of the VO5 to sink in.

    I have very thick hair. Even a few months ago when it was very long, I still used the straight iron every day with VO5, and my hair looked healthier than ever. And it took a lot of time off straightening it, because the VO5 helps the iron slide through the hair better, and it straightens quicker.
  4. ponychick

    ponychick Well-Known Member

    You can also use Ion spray, and a Chi iron.
  5. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    Is there a certain name for this stuff? (I mean like straightening, conditioner etc.). Thanks!!
  6. cmdknw06

    cmdknw06 Well-Known Member

    I had mine chemically straightened a few years ago. The cost was around $100. It lasted all of a month at most. It did not take the curl completely out of my hair. Just made it a little easier to straighten. It went from taking an hour to an hour and a half to straighten it to taking 45 minutes. NOT worth it in my opinion.

  7. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    If that was your first time the person doing it was probably trying to be on the safe side. I found out the hard way, on my own, that if one leaves the chemicals on the hair too long the hair fries. That's why I suggest using the same person each time. The first time is pretty much a test, with my hair dresser Connie it is, and after that he/she knows how long to leave it on for the full effect. $100.00 in our area is a rip!

  8. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    unless you have indian hair or black (african american) hair, that wirey curl, then straightening can be done at home. There are lots of good products out there to make it happen. They work too. find the right line, use it all, shampoo, conditioner, straightening serum. the biggest key for me was learning how to dry it. Again with the right tools (brush, dryer). It took me a while, but now, I can straighten my naturally curly hair exactly like my hairdresser does it.
  9. I had my daughters hair done a year ago. She had beautiful natural spiral curles but wanted a change. I don't know which brand we had but it was a thermal....something. $180.00. Now she wants her curls back because there was still some maintenance to the care, although not as much as with the curls. Problem now is trying to grow it out, four inches of curl and six inches of straight.

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