She was wrong, pkc. The $1 coupons don't count, only the doubling/tripling ones do. Take it to the manager next time! I went Friday night. My counter sanitizer was gone (thanks ya'll!), but everything else was there. Save $78, which was well over 50%. Broke the 50% mark!! Frogger PS. Anyone have an extra sanitizer they got becaue of the deal? Moving into the new apartment Wednesday and want to make sure everything is clean first...
Thanks Frogger. I plan to call the corporate today because I looked on their website and it says that coupons over the 20 will he rung at face value (which was what I expected). The store was very short staffed as there was no one at customer service and I saw the manager stocking in the dairy dept. How many sections of coupons did everyone receive yesterday? I only had 3 packets.