After DH and I looking at her website, he say's I'd make a ton of $ if the promotes herself as the "pretty blonde" LMAO.
the question is..what does the "ugly blonde" look like? HG you'd be rich...can i be your co manager or madam as it were? awww our very own
Some Harry Potter quotes that I thought would fit Ron: Mental that one, I'm telling you. Ron: [mimicking Hermione] "It's Levi-OOOOH-sa not LevioSAR." She's a nightmare, honestly. It's no wonder she hasn't got any friends! Ron: She needs to sort out her priorities!
There was a big plywood sign with a chair by it when I drove by there a couple of days ago. Don't know what the sign said, I didn't slow down to read it.
I didn't slow down enough to read them when I went by yesterday, but I think there may have been 2 or 3 signs there.
One day a week or so ago, 'She' was outside sitting in the chair holding the sign & waving at people. Oh My...
Saw that also. :lol: I didn't understand at the time why, but I do now. :ack: Pepper, there are at least 3 signs there.
The reward's up to $5000, and now the signs have been stolen too. :nopity: Maybe the ones who stole the signs were just trying to clean up the neighborhood.
AND NOW.......She's at Wal-Mart, taking one of the spots reservrd for the homeless.....or at least she was this afternoon. :?
Ok ....all jokes aside. I'm starting to worry about this girl. She is out there right now in 34 degree weather, at 6pm, in her pink furry boots holding that sign about the reward. She needs some help. Seriously!
I saw her there too, and thought to myself how much more determined (or crazy) she was than the "homeless" guy that usually holds down that corner. :?