She probably just doesn't feel very well, from the treatment, but at least when she was in the house with you she was alert even if she wasn't active. Think of a cancer patient undergoing chemo... that is probably how she feels. When my MIL was undergoing chemo, she lost her appetite and stayed in the bed, but didn't sleep all the time. I would think a poor appetite would be expected, but would probably check with the vet just to be sure. Since she is very inactive right, maybe you could move her crate into the air conditioned house and see if it perks her appetite up some. At least you don't have to worry about keeping her calm... that's a blessing. Just some thoughts. Hope this goes by quickly for all of y'all.
If I remember correctly from when my dog (when I was younger) had heartworms, he didn't want to do much either for a little while. Just kinda mooped. Which was good because of them needing to keep them calm. And just like Ready said, the meds are prolly making her like that. It's a lot on them. :wink: And I also seem to remember him loosing a good bit of weight too. She'll snap outta it... just baby her for now. She deserves it! Good Luck
Thanks ya'll. I guess with everything else that was happening yesterday, I think I panicked. I called the vet's office and they're relaying the info to the vet. They'lll call me back this afternoon with her suggestions. Frogger
Well, ya'll.... Lucy's still at the vet's . Called twice. Her temp was 104.7 :shock: . They gave her sub-q fluids that brought it down to 103.7. Then an hour later gave her a tepid bath, but it hadn't budged as of 6:30 tonite. Dr. Mastafiak kept her and Christine told me the doc was staying also. She was going to try steriods tonite and keep her on sub-q fluids. She did eat a little. They never came right out and said it plain, but they're doing all they can. I don't think there's anything else to do but wait. Her nose was running and the doc said that since dogs don't have many surfaces from which to cool that was probably due to the high temp. I can call at 8 a.m. I'll update when I get to work in the morning. Pray for a good night. Frogger :cry: :cry:
Hopefully they can keep it down below the 104 mark. Other than cool baths and fluids, there isn't much they can do. Ice packs may work, but can shock the system when they are going through heartworm treatment - your vet knows best. Haven't heard of steroids to bring down temps, but like I said, never went to vet school, so lots of times hear of alternative measures. Will keep good thoughts for you that you have good news come 8am.
Sorry to read the update frogger. I know you are worried to death. Will keep ya both in mind ... till you post the good news recovery!
GOOD NEWS POST <Hope this helps you too, HG and Elims...some good-doggie news> Lucy's temp broke overnight and, after worrying all day, they finally confirmed I could take her home. I got a short but stern talking to by the doc. Lucy's on Prednezone (sp?) for the next 4 weeks and I have strict orders about her inside and outside time. I'm just so happy she made it through the night I'd live with her in an igloo in the frozen North for the next 5 weeks if I had to! Thanks for everything, ya'll. It has helped more than you know! Frogger
OMG, i am so happy to hear your last post Froggie. i haven't been online since Thursday lunchtime and i was reading through the thread and panicking. Give Lucy a big hug and kiss for me
Prednisone ...a steroid... quite familiar with it. Willow's been on varying doses for a year and a half. SO glad she broke her fever! That was a wash of relief. Keep us informed!! Carol
Wonderful news is on hold.... She hasn't been like that since :cry: . She doesn't have a fever, but she's very stiff, hardly eating, and laboring to breathe when she's not prone. I'm hoping the Predn. will help. She seemed a *little* better tonite. This morning, the little one and I actually said goodbye to her before we left the house. I was truly afraid she wouldn't be breathing when we got home :cry: :cry: . I called home throughout the day to get progress reports and saw a tiny perk in her when I got home. Maybe it'll take a few days on the meds.... Frogger
Oh, Froggie ... hopefully she's just having a rough time, that does happen ... hopefully it'll pass with some rest, peace and quiet!! Let us know, I'll continue to hope and pray! *hugs*
Tell you what.... I think I'll wait a week and see what happens before updating again. All this back and forth, and me freaking out, is fraying my nerves and probably irritating a few others . {{sending good vibes to Willow and Shelby}} Frogger
Frogger, a rollercoaster is probably to be expected. No worries on the ups & downs. Just keep strong. All you fur mama's keep strong!! Everything will work out for the best! Koo is sending out fur luv, hugs, & prayers to all the babies!! Please continue to keep us updated!