Help Concerned parent!!!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by one2manycjones, Apr 9, 2007.

  1. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    when we were first deciding on a dentist for our boy i was shocked when my wife told me that some places didn't let the parents go back. it was the number one deciding factor on whom to choose. no way i'm letting that boy out of my sight in this world.
  2. Well glad to hear your children haven't but yet I also see where other parents have posted and have written me personally all with similar stories might I add!! If a parent told me this and even told me the police were involved you best believe I wouldn't take my child but hey to each their own right!
    I hope your child doesn't ever experience it. I wish someone would have spoken about this before I went where I could have seen it. I have recieved several emails from parents its scarey!!
  3. Bug-U

    Bug-U Guest


    Please share with us what you can... Thanks.
  4. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    Better Business Bureau, They would have to call the police after I got done in there if it were my kid. Ugh, poor kid.
    I would contact as many companies as possible. Isnt there also an ethics committee that they must adhere to? I dont know.:evil:
    If someone tells me I can not go back with my child. We have a problem, starting there.
  5. rjfields

    rjfields Well-Known Member

    There are places that won't let you go back with your kids????? Oh my god the last time my wife went to the dentist I was in the back with her. I wouldn't even think about my son going to the dentist if I was not allowed to see and hear what was being said or done.
  6. ARedhead

    ARedhead Well-Known Member

    I'm speechless. I can't imagine a dentist that won't allow the parent back nor would allow you to go check on your child. I truly hope that there is something that can be done so it won't happen again to anyone.

    On a side note, I second Riccobene. I just took my 3 1/2 yo for the first time and there was never a question if I would be in the back with him. They were great with him, he loved it, and is ready to go back! I've been going for a couple of years now and wouldn't dream of changing.

  7. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

  8. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    My kids have been going to Wake Ped. Dentistry for 2 or 3 years now and this post made me VERY concerned so I just asked my 9 yr old if she has ever been held down or yelled at or ANYTHING. She said no. All she has witnessed is the dentist or hygenist telling another kid to be quiet, "look around, you don't see the other kids crying".

    What happened to your child is horrible! It really makes me reconsider taking my children there.:?
  9. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    First and foremost... if my child says something happened in the dentist's office like that I would have turned my truck right around and confronted this doctor with my child right then and there.

    There is no sense in treating anyone like that! Yeah I'm with ya on it being on the news. This mom here would make a BIG stink about it! sheesh! :evil:
  10. ponychick

    ponychick Well-Known Member

    Please consider Dr. Riccobene for your child. His office at McGee's is wonderful and the people there are so friendly; I asked to go back with my son for his first visit, and they made him feel very comfortable, and I didn't feel in the way. I can't say enough good things about them. Unfortunately, soon after I had to switch dentists because the kids father has insurance that nobody accepts around here, and I truly wish I could have stayed with Riccobene's practice.

    Good luck with your efforts and I hope your child is better now.
  11. macy

    macy Well-Known Member

    Help Concerned Parent!!1

    This information came at an interesting time for my daughter who had appoints today with my two grandsons. She was concerned because yesterday afternoon (before she read this thread) she told her 6 yoa that he had a check up at the dentist. The child went to crying and looked terrified. She wrote it off at the time then she read this thread and went back and spoke to her son and ask him what (if anything) was he afraid of.He said that when he got scared and upset the people (staff) told him to BE QUITE..His older brother says if you do not do as they tell you that they will scare you with there mean voices. It is amazing to me how we take things for granted. we believe that doctors and staff will protect our children like we do but sometimes that is not the case. my daughter is still in shock over this and canceled her appointments. A QUESTION: DOes any one know if the orthdonist next to them are ok? MY older grandson goes to them and all of a sudden his teeth parted in the front. They told him that they had to put some extra hardware to fix that. HE goes back there by himself and now we dont like that. Thanks for reading what i have to say. I worry about my grandchildren too. Thanks so much for information.
  12. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    A little follow up to my previous post. I just spoke to my 12 yr old and asked him the same thing I asked my 9 yr old and he said he hadn't seen anything like that either. I KNOW he would tell me if anyone messed with his 'little' sister. I'm not saying I don't belive what others have said, I'm just saying that luckily my kids have not had a bad experience. I am still interested in the outcome One2many, please keep us posted.
  13. grysunshine

    grysunshine Well-Known Member

    Did you say they have all the children in the same room in a circle? That is odd to me.

    My child goes to Riccobene in Selma and although they prefer the parent doesn't go back with them, if my son needed me I could go back, I WOULD go back. I ask my son if he wants me to go back with him and he says, Nah, I can do it. That eases my mind because I know he is comfortable. They have been wonderful there.

    I am very sorry for your experience. I have had an awful experience at another dentist in Smithfield and it is very traumatizing. :-(
  14. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Last year when my daughter was still a preschooler I would schedule our visits (Dr. Riccobene's) at the same time. She usually went back a few minutes before me (by herself) and when I went back I could always tell which room she was in because I could hear her talking and laughing during her cleaning. When she was finished, they would bring her to the room I was in and let her watch TV or ask questions about my cleaning.

    I love Dr. R's practice (even though I've never seen Dr. R myself) and highly recommend them! :)
  15. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    Actually, now that I think about it, my orthodontist back home was set up kind of the same. It wasn't a circle, more like a square, in one big open space. My mom never came back there with me until the orthodontist was done, then she came back and he explained what they did, or had to do next time, etc.
  16. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    When my son goes to the Orthodontist they have 3 to 4 chairs in a semi circle all full. Production? God it took them only 5 minutes to put my sons braces on but the cost me $4500.00. Thank god for insurance.
  17. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    As long as insurance covers it is OK right? Based on your information it works out to be $54,000 per hour that the orthodontist charges. In fairness how much do they charge you for follow up appointments. One would need to track the entire cycle before arriving at a rate per hour, but most people do not as the "insurance pays it"
  18. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I am totally SHOCKED that there is a dental/medical office that will not allow parents to accompany their children. I mean, when my 4-legged babies go to the Vet, my hubby or I ALWAYS go back with them....they can't tell me if anyone hurts them so I'll be danged if they go back alone. Yep, you'd read about me in the paper...
  19. gardnerjanelle

    gardnerjanelle Well-Known Member


    I am so sorry that you are dealing with this. I go to Dr. R. and so did my boys. However, my older one was referred to a pediatric dentist. His normal Dr. @ Dr. R's was out as his wife had a baby. The lady he saw was none too gentle and he refused to open his mouth after she hurt him with the shot. She was really rude too. My youngest hasn't had a problem with Dr. Horowitz yet. My oldest is another story altogether. He saw Dr. Parrish. Within ten minutes of him going back with the nurse, I could hear him screaming. My heart lept into my throat and I asked someone to check on him immediately. She came back and said that everything was fine, he was sitting on Dr. Parrishs' lap and was just nervous. Less than 5 minutes later I was asked to come back and he was white as a ghost and hysterical. I was told by Dr. Parrish that I needed to sign a form allowing them to restrain him on a papoose board, or set him up at the OR for a cleaning which wouldn't be covered by insurance. Otherwise, Dr. Parrish refused to touch him. I refused to sign anything. I also spoke with the nurses and asked if he could be seen by Dr. Horowitz since he would give him gas first, before the shots. At this point, my son is petrified by the dentist and I'm afraid he'll have an anxiety attack. He is supposed to be seen next week during lunch when the office is closed for business. After reading these posts, I am canceling his appointment.
  20. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    In my search for a dentist for MM, I learned that most dentist don't allow parents in the exam room. The reasoning I was given was that it made the kids hyper and caused them to over-react if Mom was right there.

    I called and called until I found an office that said, "Absolutely, no problem."

    We see Dr. Folden Lee in Clayton, who is WONDERFUL. He filled 2 cavaties in MM's mouth with NO pain meds. She said she didn't feel a thing, and I sat right there the entire time! He and his staff are wonderful!

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