Help Concerned parent!!!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by one2manycjones, Apr 9, 2007.

  1. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    I gotta put in my two cents.
    If you ask me sounds like a lot of folks have imparted their fears of dentristy into their own kids. Sad. Just sad. I may not like the dentist but I put up with it. I have taught kiddo to put up with it. Teach your kids at a early age to shutup, sit down and listen to mommy and everything would be just fine. If you encourage their fears or create them by saying – of I hate the dentist and it hurts – they will pick up on it.

    If it is too late because your child is already carrying on about the dentist and the doctor and everyone else they can be dramatic with…

    1. Never let anyone take your child and work on them out of your eye site. Period. Your responsibilty is to protect the child. Don’t leave them. And if you are a whiney mom who cringes everytime they do something to junior – then – send your husband or a close friend. Stand in a doorway if you have to but go – at least until the are in their teens.

    2. That papoose thing sounds like it should be a last resort only. Proper teaching should handle those screaming, flailing kids - not a restraint. Not on my kid and I don’t think anyone’s kid.

    3. Let your child know that carrying on will not be accepted and coddled. Good behavoir will be rewards. SCreaming and not holding still will not be tolerated. period. If the kid can't sit still - he can forget going to the dentist.

    And for the kiddo has carried on at certain doctors offices when she was very young. She can sit through thing you guys can't because she was taught that there is a time and place for everything and that the doctors are there to help her. A little bit of ouch now makes a lot better later.
  2. TDM

    TDM Guest

    I've been keeping an eye on this thread since a friend told me about it. First of all I know of a few Pediatric Dental offices that use papoose boards. If they were illegal they would not be allowed to use them. I'm not sure where that information is coming from. Also I don't remember the original concerned parent mentioning anything about a papoose board. Not that it is really any of my business but I'd like to know what exactly prompted the orginal concerned parent to go to this specific practice? I know that my child went to my family dentist but wouldn't cooperate so, we got referred to a specialist. That is what they are they are specialists in that field. They deal with children everyday and usually uncooperative ones. I'm sure most children that walk out of a pediatric office aren't as scared any more because they know how to handle these type of children. That is what the problem is a majority of the children they see are scared. Whether it's from what friends told them, siblings, parents or what they've seen on tv! These offices are trained in dealing with these types of situations and I think we should let them handle it. If you don't agree with the offices policies then don't go to that office. As far as I know though most Pediatric offices do not allow parents back. I hope everything gets resolved for this concerned parent.
  3. Pickle

    Pickle Well-Known Member

    I think people in this thread are referring to the fact that it is illegal to restrain a child without parental consent, not that it is illegal to use the papoose board. I also think that most of us on this thread are trying to alert other parents to the possibility that their child might end up being held down, spoken to in an abusive manner, and screaming for MOm and Dad without us knowing about it. That is why we do not simply avoid the practices where we don't like the policy.
  4. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    I've not read all 13 pages, but I just can't imagine any parent allowing their child to be unaccompanied in a doctors office. If a doctor told me I was not allowed to accompany my child, I would have no other choice but to find another doctor.

    A cavity is not worth a lifelong traumatic memory like this. If I found out the dentist covered my daughter's mouth and told her to shut-up ...I'd give him the beating of his life right then and there and then warn him if he called the police he'd get 100 times worse when I got out of jail.
  5. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Agreed, my child hood dentist turned out to be a cild molester and eventually spent time in jail.

    He never bothered me, I guess fat & ugly did have some benifits.
  6. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Oh Hught...don't say that about yourself. Whether you want to believe it or not, You are beautiful inside and out. I don't need to see you to say this.

    Have a good weekend.

  7. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Why thank you, that was sweet!

    Have a Great Weekend!

  8. bbfan

    bbfan Guest

    That is awful! I take my kids to Riccobene and Associates at 40/42 and they let me go back with them. Everyone I have dealt with there has been very nice and very professional. My 8 year old told me that the lady that worked on him was "so nice" when we left after his first visit.
    Good Luck:-D
  9. ihaveaquestion

    ihaveaquestion Well-Known Member

    Where is Dr. Lindiny located?
    I might be looking for someone new soon after a bad experience with a doctor at Riccobene & associates.
    I am going to try to take my child there again to a different doctor, but i'm not too sure if she will be willing to even go to the office anymore.
    We'll see soon enough!

    There's nothing worse than a child getting a bad impression of doctors or dentists....
  10. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Clayton Pediatric Dentistry
    Dr. Ledenyi
    480 East Main Street
    Clayton, NC 27520

    Great place :)

    But did you try talking to Dr. R about your child's experience. I am sure he would want to know so he can better his office. I have not gone to him but I have heard High praises of his offices.

  11. mayday

    mayday Well-Known Member

    Answered above and somehow missed. Sorry.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2007
  12. bubbajane

    bubbajane Guest

    Here ya go!

    OK, for all of you that read my unedited post, I apologize for using such foul language. I was angry to know that someone would let their child/ren actually have to go through that kind of thing.
    As for my last post, I could not find that link in WRAL's website, but I WAS, however, able to find it in NBC's website. The link is listed included. I HOPE that no child ever has to endure this severe punishment ever again.
  13. pcroom

    pcroom Well-Known Member

    People get so upset about ANIMAL cruelty!! How about cruelty to CHILDREN. I tell you no human being would keep me away from my child. There is just no way!! I think our children have to deal with enough in today's society and to have to deal with abusive professionals is unacceptable. I think these doctors need to be tied to a chair and let me work on them. Children are not allowed to be children in this world we live in today. They are treated like they are grown at age five. Just because they have the title of DOCTOR does not mean they can be trusted. Any parent that lets their child be treated by any doctor without being present is in my opinion grossly negligent. When it comes to standing up and protecting your children some parents are real WIMPS. People it all boils down to the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR. So, if you think you need to impress doctors by agreeing with them, you are wrong. Stand up for your childs rights. If the doctor does not agree find one that will. There are some out there. Just spread the word about the unprofessional ones and hopefully they will have to close up. Maybe go to work in a profession where they don't treat PEOPLE!! Much less innocent children. Yes, I'm mad!! Can you tell!!
  14. Curious

    Curious Well-Known Member

    I read this whole article and was thoroughly amazed and disgusted that the dentist would put 18 silver crowns in a 5 yr. old's mouth at all, and especially all at one time. I seriously doubt there's an adult anywhere who would or could sit through that much dental work at one time without trauma of some sort happening! The poor baby only had 24 teeth! And he is adorable. I feel so sorry for him. I'm sure he's traumatized! They probably would have had to call the law to get me outta' there if that had happened to my child! Although, it does make me wonder why this child had so many cavities? Did the mother not teach him proper brushing skills and monitor said brushing? I'm not trying to blame the parent here, just don't understand why this child would have so many cavities. Perhaps a medical issue?

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