Oh gosh, I wish I could help out with this one too but right now I am stretched pretty thin at it is. My brother lost his job and he will be moving in with us soon and I am trying to get things situated here, plus every other week he will have his daughter and we are trying to do all we can to help him out, including helping with Christmas for him and his daughter. It is a little tough considering how the economy is right now and then trying to get things for Kyle (he isn't going to get to come home for Christmas) and other things....I am so sorry. I really wish I could help with this one too.
Also, on the way home from work I heard on WQDR that they have a program where you can submit families that are in need this season. There are probably other radio stations doing the same type of thing so may be worth a shot to browse the local radio websites and see what is up.
Please include me on the meal rotation and contact me regarding providing some weekly groceries and non food items (toothpaste, toothbrushes, cleaning supplies) for this family. Let me know if there are any food restrictions (no nuts, other allergies, etc). You can e-mail me at fprosser@mindspring.com. Some of the elementary schools have programs to help families needing groceries. There was a silent angel type program at CES when my oldest attended. Usually the guidance counselor handles these needs. If any of the kids goes to Westview, I can speak with one of the counselors who works there about any programs they may have.
I do not know what I can give at the moment but one thing that I do have is a brand new copy of the Camp Rock CD. My daughter ended up with two copies for her birthday. If you give me an address I can send it to you. That could be one present for the little one. I will see what else I can provide.
I would be happy to cook something for this family. Can someone PM me and tell me who this family is. I have children their ages but can't think of anyone at the moment but would be happy to make something. Whoever takes the lead PM me and I will give you my e-mail address it is work so I can't give it out to everyone. Thanks,
Thank you to every one who has contacted me thus far about helping this family. If you have volunteered for cooking meals or gift shopping for the kids I will be sending out emails with more details so we can get this all coordinated. We could still use all the help we can get so if you haven't expressed interest yet, but want too please... It's not too late!!! Send me your email in a PM and I will add you to the distribution lists. Smooches! MN
Hey girl, count me in, sorry haven't responded earlier, have not been on the board but i will be happy to supply a meal and make a donation for them - i will pm ya my work email - easier to reach that way or either give me a call, you have the number.
Sign us up for the meal rotation. I spoke with my daughter and she will help me get it to them. You have my phone number so make it ring...Santa. We need to know of anything they cannot eat. Red...pat yourself on the back from us...you deserve it. Sherry
All - I am speechless and amazed at the outpouring of help and love. Many times I have questioned the intentions of individuals and my faith in the human race. I have been quieted, reassured and humbled by the actions of those around me and this family. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and for the family. I will be sending out emails for the meal rotation and one for the gifts once I get all the information. The dad will be at the hospital all day today having tests done. So tonight I will be making a visit to get their likes / dislikes and allergy information finalized. Last night they asked the children to make their wish lists so hopefully I will be able to get those tonight as well. MN
Count me in too! I'm out of town right now and won't be back till next week, so if that's not too late I'd like to help.
The GCAA will have the gym open on Sat from 10 AM until 3 PM to collect any donations they can get for this family. They are asking for money, gift cards, and non-perishable food items. If you cannot contact me please know there will be a generalized location this Saturday, December 6th as a drop off point.
GCAA -Saturday To confirm Red's post...GCAA would like to extend the hours available for donations to 9am-3pm. Someone will be available in the Ag Building (the building behind the gym) during those hours. Thanks!
Free food is available at our place, if they live in Cleveland Township Cleveland Township Emergency Food Pantry tries to serve all Cleveland Township (established 1913) residents in need as do the 50 pantries in the communities surrounding Cleveland. We check the legal ID for each person we serve with community assets. Our backup pantry is With Love from Jesus on Route 401 in South Raleigh - Tues, Wed., Fri, and Sat 10-Noon. Our hours are still Saturdays 9-6 and Monday evenings 6-9. We prefer appointments be made and met - to comply with Johnston County fire regulations. Our food inventory is less than 30 days as required by Feed America (formerly Second Harvest) and we lack the money to buy more at the Food Bank. We committed the last of our available money on Monday and brought in over 2,000 pounds. We have two pickups to make in Raleigh on Friday (about 600 pounds) and hope a planned delivery of 400 hundred pounds arrives on Saturday morning. In 2007, we bought/brought 113,000 pounds of food from the Food Bank. The cost is the money for the food, transportation and time running back and forth from Raleigh, the warehousing, and the volunteers time. Projects in the planning: A local food drive is being arranged by one of our youth, targeting 20 familes with food baskets for Christmas. Another event is being put together by a young sports team to provide gifts. A regional resturant has contacted us regarding a food drive. We have one family adopted for gifts and another one is planned. Our telephoen is listed as Basic Needs Ministry, Garner, 661-6565. We have been overwhelmed by calls from North Raleigh to Smithfield and Benson recently and are thinking about finding a volunteer just to coordinate our calls and referrals.
I just found about this as well and am freaking. Im going to be up at the GCAA as well after noon on Saturday to help out with whatever i can. Ill also be donating 25-30 pounds of hamburger as well. I know the dad and family very well and really, like Red said, if you all knew who it was most of you would jump as fast as possible. As much as they have given, they do not deserve this. Course, no one does but still. Do anything you can please.