Always a classic........what part of PM did you not grasp? If you are going to reference a private message you might as well post it or at least send it to Devilock in a private message.
:idea: This may not be "Christian" But how about quit being pansies and meet somewhere and just brawl and get it over with. I mean ill set it up charge admission and have tv crews there to put it on tv. I can see it now UFC4042 Devilock vs. Tawiii charge $39.95. Sunds like a plan :lol: :!:
Silly you:lol::lol::lol: i still have to stand by Devilock, since i do know him IRL and know he is a great caring guy that helps everyone else whenever he can and his wife is really great. As for Tawiii, i have never actually met him but he seems ok too - geez, testosterone sometimes gets the best of men:lol::lol::lol:
Yeah, and not only in this thread. I wonder if there's something in the air these last few days? It's not a full moon, I checked last night! :lol::lol::lol:
I will be one of Devilocks Corner Men. But I don't see it making it through past a minute of the first round.
Why would we fight? What would we be fighting for? My opinion of him would not change. Every year Ken flares up like this and then it ends the same way. I think he said the same thing last year, and he will probably say the same thing next year.
Only 73 more to go Ken - we ought to throw a party or a 4042 get together to celebrate a 10,000 poster:-D