high school vandalism!!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by wildcatmom7, Jun 2, 2010.

  1. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    News 11 was out there after school yesterday-but not on campus

    My only concern is.....there is easy access to get on property from fields & woods....graduation is out in the open If my child was to graduate this Friday we would not be there it is not worth the risk...Metal detectors are not a deterent

    This county has had enough suffering & loss
  2. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

  3. pocahontas

    pocahontas Well-Known Member

    From WRAL's website...seems a little incomplete, must have decided to finally cover it since ABC picked it up:

    Benson, N.C. — There will be extra security, including metal detectors, at Friday's graduation ceremony for West Johnston High School, officials said.

    School officials said the security is the result of a note left behind after someone vandalized the school this weekend.

    In a phone call, West Johnston's principal told parents the sheriff's office and State Bureau of Investigation are following all leads.
  4. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    The parents DID receive an automated call last week. If you didnt receive one, maybe you need to check your contact numbers that the school has for you. I think this IS very serious. Even if it is a prank or something. Better to be safe then sorry. My child goes to WJHS. My concern is that I went to school monday around 9 am. drove right in. The security guy just waved me through. REALLY? WOW. close the dang gates and ask everyone what their business is there. Be a security guard not a flagman. ugh. I guess the school is taking precautions. I guess we have to let the police, FBI,SBI, and law enforcement do their job. I just worry a little. :banghead:
  5. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Talked to my dad about it and he thinks the FBI and SBI are doing the right thing in keeping the media back. He agrees with you, db, that it would be playing into the hands of the idiots.

    Worst thing we ever did was to put self rising flour on the football field stating something not so nice. It sure looked pretty when the sun rose....................tee hee.

    So sorry that everyone is having to go through this at West Johnston. Please know that each of you are in our thoughts.

  6. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    My guess is that they probably have a good idea who is responsible. They're probably just waiting for the right time to call them out. I'll bet they have the suspect(s) fingered before graduation.
  7. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    I saw it on WTVD (last night) and WRAL (this morning). I certainly hope it's all just a prank, and that they can catch whoever is responsible. :x
  8. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    Why do you think they would "wait" to call them out? Just wondering. Wait? Until when?Its over? I would hope they wouldn't "wait". eekkk.
  9. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Waiting for the right evidence or maybe the element of surprise? Going on what you said about the carpool lane, I think they would be taking security to the highest level possible if they perceived a grave threat to kids, parents or faculty.
  10. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    hummm, maybe so. :)
  11. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    I posted this link last night - but I think it got overlooked. This has the most details about whats happened. http://www.wtsbradio.com/

    Threats Prompt Increased Security Plans For WJHS Graduation
    Security will be heightened during commencement exercises Friday night at West Johnston High School following a number of anonymous threats. A threatening letter tied to a brick was found during an act of vandalism last week at West Johnston. Several flyers containing the threats were reportedly found around campus plus at some nearby stores. The Johnston County Sheriff’s Office has enlisted the help of the SBI in finding the person responsible for the threats. Over the weekend, WJHS Principal Brookie Honeycutt sent a telephone message to parents alerting them to the threats. In response to the threats, the sheriff’s office will be placing metal detectors and adding additional officers at graduation ceremony Friday evening. Tammy Amaon, a spokesperson for the sheriff’s office said detectives are working diligently on the case and pursuing all leads. The alleged threats were vague, but indicated an act of violence would occur during commencement.
  12. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

  13. pocahontas

    pocahontas Well-Known Member

    I hope that if they are delaying arresting people it is in order to gather as much intel as they can to try to make sure they grab any and all that would be even remotely involved with this. No news is a little frustrating though, and scary to think the people responsible are still out roaming free.
  14. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I think they would wait for all evidence to be factual and gathered. Work it through in your mind.......it would take more than one person to hang a banner over I40. All evidence just from that would be buying the banner, paint, ties, etc. Think one of the idiots didn't use gloves....I do.

    My dad taught me that a secret is only a secret if one keeps it to themselves. If more than one person is involved in this someone will tell someone who will tell someone and so forth.

    They'll be caught but the worry of the parents, administration and students will always be with them. That's the sad part.

  15. kimmiegurl

    kimmiegurl Guest

    Can you say "Columbine"????

    I don't mean to jump to conclusions, and yes, there is a part of me that says this won't happen, but we CAN'T forget what happened at Columbine, and that was NOT on Graduation Day. People we CAN'T take the SLIGHTEST chance that this may not happen!!! This is a REAL threat!!! These are our KIDS!!!! KUDOS to all that are on this so early! And i thank God above that I have a junior at West, but some of those kids that are graduating are my son's friends. If my son was graduating this year, there would be NO WAY he would be going. We just would not take that chance.
  16. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    the columbine guys didn't announce their intentions via bricks and broken glass and vague notes and graffitti spread out over a 15 mile radius. imho, if someone was serious about doing something, they'd have kept it quiet until the last minute. you wouldn't want those pesky police officers and metal detectors to make it more difficult...

    i'm not saying don't take it seriously, i'm saying be smart about it. these little punks are obviously not from west, and are having a great senior prank at your expense. "haha, we scared the crap out of them, and a bunch of them didn't even go to graduation hahaha".

    y'all keep freaking out and pulling your kids out of graduation, and posting all sorts of hysteria on a public message board (that they're probably reading), and it'll happen again.

    show them they can't get to you and that this is your deal, not theirs, and that you're going to do your deal no matter what, and you win.
  17. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    ^Is this db or DBswife?
  18. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I haven't posted in this thread because my kid is nowhere near ready to graduate, but I gotta tell you, unless there was more information available than what has been publicly released so far, there is no way in hades I'd stay home. I agree with what DB said, if you don't go, you are playing right into the twerps hands. Of course, I am Monday morning quarterbacking here, because I am not personally vested in this. Right now.
  19. pocahontas

    pocahontas Well-Known Member

    "There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity. If you get away with it, you are brave. If you don't, you are stupid."
    - Francisco T. Escario

    It is hard to risk being stupid when you are talking about your child, and attending a large, crowded event where violence has been blatantly threatened.
  20. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    yeah, and there's a fine line between cautious and weenie, too--Dangerboy, 2010

    it's easy for you to assume that i don't have to weigh risk vs benefit in the case of my child's safety every single day, but you'd be wrong. i may not have a child graduating from west this year, but i do have a child, about whom you know nothing. you also seem to assume that i have little or no experience with threats, identified or unknown, being bullied, and being in public. wrong again, but if i say any more i'll be advertising...

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