Homeless people?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by robbie, Oct 30, 2010.

  1. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    On my way into Raleigh on Friday afternoon I noticed that as well. I hope everything is ok.
  2. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    He left a couple chairs and signs there. May have been Fred Smith got him run out of there.
  3. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    As far as I know, Doug went back to Florida to live with his mother.
  4. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Is that, "again"? Didn't he disappear for a while before and that was where he went, and then he came back?
  5. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    in a related story, the homeless and nearly homeless are really taking over 40/42. i didn't go as far up as 40, but saturday there were 3 at the intersections of 42 and walmart entrance and lowes entrance/cookout...
  6. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Yes, this would be the second time (that I know of) that he's gone back home. He and his mother don't always get along but I think he's gonna stay there this time. His mother is getting older and needs his help, plus he has many of his own health problems to deal with.
  7. cynadon

    cynadon Well-Known Member

    maybe not homeless. Perhaps American Nomads.
  8. BGood

    BGood Member

    Help Available for truly needy = Social Services Dept.

    A person/family in need can qualify for welfare money (sorry:idea: not PC to use the w word) thru each county Social Services Dept.

    After the sign-holder's assets/income are verified,
    the person can receive :):
    - Support $$, monthly no end,
    - Health insurance thru Medicaid,
    - Food Stamps,
    - Support $$$ for housing.

    What a country. What a Benefit Package.
    Your and my taxes at work!
    Anyone pay any taxes...?

    I do not engage these distracting folks who dodge in/out oif traffic.:banghead:
    How long before traffic accident?:ack:
    Rear end collision, children hurt due to panic stop?...:beathorse:

    Needy folks can also check with their church for free food, furniture,etc :hurray:.
    Thru taxes and churches, there should not be "this issue" :jester:mad: 40-42.
  9. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    Hey! How are the voices ....er, I mean noises you were hearing? 8)
  10. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    there are several near mcdonalds. someone mentioned they dont see them on weekends. i do. we go to that mcdonalds almost every saturday. the beggars come in for refills on their drinks or to use the bathroom. some come in for the free air conditioning. i wonder if they are using a mcdonalds cup from that day or from days gone by. refills are only good for the day you bought the drink. im sorry but one of them stinks so bad it would make you gag.

    db's wife
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2011
  11. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    i bet if he was black or hispanic he would have been asked to move along a long time ago.
    why he was allowed to squat there always baffled me. i guess he was just such a nice guy no one complained much about him.

    i would like to know where he was using the bathroom. i would like to know how he was allowed to post a "beware of dog" sign. eighteen wheel truck drivers pulled their rigs to the side of the road and visited him like the ramp to 40 was a parking lot. he didnt own or lease this land.
    Dont get me wrong I thank God every day for the roof I have over my head.
    I hope the guy does well in Florida. he probably wont have much luck sqatting or begging. especially if he is in south florida. he will have so much competition he wont make much money. and the cops will doubtfully turn their eye to him living off an exit ramp.

    db's wife
  12. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Really?!!!???!!! :roll::roll:
  13. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    If you wanted to know so much about him then why didn't you take the time to stop and ask him. And jus FYI, he didn't go to Florida to beg. He went there to help care for his ailing mother.

    Truth be told, I liked him more than I like some people on here :lol:
  14. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    my goodness.....

  15. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    such a good boy to give up his tent space in the public right of way next to the highway to go and care for his ailing mother. is he going to camp in her yard? did he have a job here or was he begging? if he had a job, why was he living in the woods? and if he didn't, what resources does he bring to the table to "help his ailing mom"? moral support. ok....

    but nobody thinks it was odd that a dude lived in the woods in plain view off an exit ramp on a major interstate for over a year? all the rest aside, it just seems odd. if he set up his tent at a public park, he'd have been moved for sure long ago.

    i'm sorry, i know there are some who are legit, but many choose it. quite a few make decent livings with signs at busy intersections, turning down "regular" jobs in favor of standing on a corner with a sign that says "god bless". first-hand knowledge. times are tough and people are forced to do things they never thought they would, but it's also a prime time for the slugs of life to ply their sad, sad trade...
  16. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    wow really?? thats pretty heartless right there. Have you drove around Wake Co and seen all the tent cities on public right aways from people that are homeless, men, women, kids, white, black.. it does not discriminate. People get down on there luck and don't qualify for help or the help is not there and by the time it is, its too little to late.

    And btw any child can take care of a parent, it does not require a special skill just the love you have for that person!!
  17. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    not heartless. you have no idea. i will not defend facts. some are legit. many are not. having a heart does not require me to be naive.
  18. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Wow, you really are dumb as dirt. I'm not going to waste my time on you anymore. Seems that if you would get your nose out of the air you might realize that most of us are only a few paychecks from being homeless.

    People like you make me sick. :ack:
  19. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Very well said, sassymom. You tell him! :hurray: :iagree:
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2011
  20. BGood

    BGood Member

    :neutral: Thank you for asking.
    The noises have stopped. Maybe they were testing a siren @ CookHouse on 42 :?.... That's what the attendants told me while I was @ Dorothy Dix.8)
    Maybe I'm just an early Halloween scare.:oops:

    By the way:
    "I left my wallet at home, can you give me $10 for gas so I can get back to my home in Raleigh?":mrgreen:
    Happened a year ago to me@ Shell station on 42 @ 40 interchange. How naive, I gave hm the $10. He took the $, started his pickup & drove off. He did not use my$ for gas! :banghead:

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