House on fire near Polenta Rd.

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by colinmama, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    I thought it was Webbie's old house that was moved... 2 fires -- Not good.

    Hope the family is safe.
  2. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Just drove by, WOW, the house is almost totally GONE, very sad to see.
  3. sacosta

    sacosta Well-Known Member

    I don't understand how a house that's less than 1 mile from the fire department can completely burn to the ground.
  4. blessed2adopt2

    blessed2adopt2 Well-Known Member

    I drive by that house every day as well.. Someone in that house worked for HHGregg (sp?) as there was a service truck parked in the driveway.

    We drove by it around 8pm, and there was still a fire truck in the drive, but I think they were just checking on things.

    I'll certainly keep them all in my prayers.
  5. OMG that was the guy from HHGregg? I knew him. He installed my dishwasher and he and taken some pieces off my old lawn mower. He is a really nice guy. I know he had some health problems. I hope he and his family are ok.
  6. RCARP

    RCARP Well-Known Member

    Because the fire department is not a staffed department, they have to get the call and then wait for people to get there, get the equipment, then go to the location. It only takes minutes for a house to be gone, depending on what started it, if there is gas (stove, heat). Just depends on each situation.

    Anyone know about the family? Are they ok? Do they need things?
  7. Hotwire

    Hotwire Well-Known Member

    It's not necessarily how quick the fire department responds. What is more important is how quickly after the fire started, was the fire department called? Judging by the home, it looks as if it was pretty much gone by the time they got there and was too unsafe to enter. It is a paid department during the day, meaning there are people standing by all day until about 5 or 6.

  8. Actually Cleveland Fire Dept is staffed Mon.-Fri. 7am-6pm. Volunteers run during the day also if they can, but cover everything at night. This house was fully engulfed by the time we got on the scene. Everyone was ok.
  9. Have you found out what the cause of the fire was?
  10. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Glad to know everyone was OK. Thanks for the info, and thanks for all you do.
  11. RCARP

    RCARP Well-Known Member

    Sorry, didn't realize you guys were staffed during the day. That is my oversight. I was just trying to say, it still takes time for you guys to get there and depending on the situation, there may not have been much you could do to save the house.

    Glad to hear everyone is safe.
  12. sacosta

    sacosta Well-Known Member

    Also, I hope I didn't sound accusatory before. It must have been awhile before someone called it in.

    You guys do a great job...Thanks!!!
  13. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I just got an email from a friend who works in Raleigh...I DO NOT KNOW IF IT WAS THIS HOUSE OR NOT...but this is what it said:

    A family in Clayton lost everything yesterday in a house fire. Burned to the ground. They are hoping to get clothes & anything else you can think of for the children. No mention of themselves.
    Boy size 5T and Girl size 3T
    Certainly keep them in prayer as well. Tks

    Again, I don't know if it was this house or not, but some of you have stated that they knew of a child that lived here. I emailed her back asking the ages, I'm assuming they're 3 & 5, but you never know. I'll let you all know if I find out if it was this house, I asked her if she knew if it was the one off of Polenta. She does not live in this area, she lives in Apex (my friend) but knows of this fire through a co-worker. I am also trying to find out if this is her co-worker's house that burned down, or a friend of his.
  14. RCARP

    RCARP Well-Known Member

    Please let us know what you find out. I am sure I have some stuff they could use.
  15. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Also, if we have anything where to take it? Maybe we can nominate a 4042er to collect stuff for us???

    I hate to say it, but I hope it is the fire we all heard about yesterday cause I would HATE to know that this happened to two families in the area :?
  16. woofpak92

    woofpak92 Guest

    Info on displaced family

    I'm new to this discussion group, but I signed up because I saw the topic and I have first hand information on what happened.

    It was the first house on the right as you're coming down Matthews Rd after crossing over Polenta (away from DR Wells). The house is actually on Booker Ct., 2-story, white. Yes, there was an HH Gregg truck there in the driveway for a time. The facts as I know it are:

    *the house is a total loss
    *nobody was hurt (thank goodness)
    *the family saved NOTHING, they lost everything
    *not sure what the cause of the fire is
    *the family is staying a few miles down the road, renting another house

    My wife is trying to organize getting them the essentials as well as working on some type of fundraiser. There are 3 children, 2 parents and a grandmother involved here. To make matters worse, the father was recently laid off. They have minimal furniture in the rental house (couch, sofa) and the kids have been provided with air beds to sleep on. Besides that, everything else is needed. The information for the clothing for each is as follows:

    **2 year old girl: wears 3T, size 8 shoe(kids)
    **5 year old boy: wears 5/6, shoe size is 10(kids)
    **11 year old girl: wears juniors 11/13 or girls 14/16, shoe size 8
    **73 year old grandmother: size 7 shoe, assume 5/6 size (small frame)
    **45 year old father: Large shirt, 36 waist (assume 30 length), shoe size 9.5
    **mother: not sure, but has a friend that has already helped supply clothes

    Our home phone is 934-5108 if you'd like to contact us on how you can help or if you want to bring supplies over. Ideally, we'd like to assist and get to the point where people could contact this family directly once things calm down a little and they get settled in. But we will remain involved as long as it takes to get them back to some sense of normalcy.

    Obviously with cool/cold weather coming, warmer clothes will be needed. If you'd like to donate toys or money, we'll administrate the collection and get it to the family. Our email address is and we live at the end of Matthews Rd in Matthews Farm subdivision (a mile past the burned house).

    I urge everyone that reads this to spread the word and help these folks out. As you can imagine, the family is distraught and very appreciative of anything you can do. The kids' faces lit up when we brought toys, supplies by last night. If you can get any kind of business or corporation to assist, that would be great. With this kind of loss, it would be awesome to have a financial boost from a business.
  17. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Can you tell us what the kids are into as far as toys go?
  18. woofpak92

    woofpak92 Guest

    House fire, kids toys preference

    2 yr old girl: Winnie the Pooh, Dora and Elmo
    5 yr old boy: no particular preference, likes trucks
    11 yr old girl: Hannah Montana, Jonas Brothers
  19. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    I will look around for things tonight and call you. I don't know what I have persay as I just have two toddler boys but perhaps I will just drop off a monetary donation tomorrow!!

    Thanks for the information!!
  20. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest


    This is a picture of the home from WTSB 1090 AM's site.

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