Would LOVE a new house for mother's day....maybe you should give my DH that hint:lol: Our rental is so tiny and has NO storage!!:banghead:
I think that gifts are highly overrated. It’s really the little things you say that matter. Showing your wife how much you appreciate her, and having interest in things that are important to her will be much better received than a meaningless piece of expensive jewelry. For example: If you notice that she’s missed a few spots while dusting then be sure to point it out. This will be an invaluable life lesson for her that will teach her to appreciate thoroughness and concentration. After all, all that time she waste watching soap operas all day could be much better spent making sure she’s doing a better job. She’ll love that you’ve noticed her work around the house, and that you’ve used your superior male sense of observation to demonstrate ways that she can improve herself. The gift of a good massage should also never be overlooked. Make sure you let her know when she should be rubbing your feet a little harder, or when she’s just not being enthusiastic enough. Maybe even consider sending her to a class. Her improved skills will make giving a massage much more enjoyable for her, and you can bet she’ll be eager to try out those new found skills as soon as you come home from a hard day on the golf course. I could go on and on about the little life lessons you can give your wife. The list is almost endless. How to improve her cooking, ironing sharper creases in your shirts, advice on how to make the children behave, how to change the oil in the lawn mower. You really don’t have to look far for some great gift ideas. I hope this eases your worries about finding your wife the perfect gift!!
Guess I am with you Cleo...depending on the appliance, like I would love a new stove or one of those front loading washer and dryer sets. Sometimes I will put something I have really been wanting on my Christmas list. Now an iron, scale or something like that, he might get hit on the head with. LOL
It's only Friday night, but it's definitely official... Worse. Mother's Day. Ever. Did I get the iron or the scale? Nope! I wish! Instead dh 'surprised' me by not telling me that my mother was flying down for the weekend. Which would be great if my mother and I were friends. Instead, the weekend will be all about my mom. I now have to cancel all of my mother's day plans. I am right now (at 12:30am) looking forward to staying up all night doing school work that I had planned to work on tomorrow. I'll get to do the same thing Sunday night, and then drag myself to work and school on Monday. Oh, and at some point I need to find time to grocery shop so that I can make 3 meals a day this weekend, clean up the house, and find the energy to not be a complete b!tch to hubby until after mother leaves. All I asked for was a freakin rose bush or hanging plant for the porch. I even bought my own mother's day card and mailed out ones from hubby to his mom and sister. If anyone gets the iron or the scale, do you want to trade? Oh, and suggestions for what to get dh for father's day would be greatly appreciated. I'm hoping for something between making him cry and making him want to jump off a bridge. I'd fly his dad up, but then I'd have to clean the house again.
Oh you poor thing! Maybe her flight will be cancelled or something . . . I'd suggest you schedule him a colonoscopy for father's day :mrgreen:
I am also checking this thread out. Wife has to work all day today and my 2 1/2 yr old are gonna go shopping later.
Oh no... she's already here. Hubby took our son out for 'milk' last night. Two hours later when I was frantic with worry and he wasn't answering my calls, I finally took a shower and went to bed. Then dh comes in and drags me out of bed for a 'surprise'. Lovely! Thanks!
Better yet, get yourself a hotel room for just yourself on Father's Day weekend and don't tell him where you are. Let him worry and have a heart attack. Then you will have no one to Enlightened person at and no one to surprise you next Mother's Day. Enjoy your Mother. You will remember how bad you behaved when she is 6 ft. under. You will be glad for everything she is then.