Really?...They had to do an actual study to find out that cats don't need their owners as much as we think they do? All they had to do was ask several cat owners to find out how indifferent cats can be and they would have had their answer with out all the work.
Just proves that cats have ADHD. I know my cats love me, oh look a pretty thing hanging in front of me.........
Someone dies and their dog will stay beside them to protect their corpse, but a cat will eat them before they get cold.
Hogs are like humans, their teeth are even confused with human teeth at times, but cats will eat anything meaty including people. I was attending the 1992 American Academy of Forensic Sciences conference in New Orleans and a forensic pathologist related the following story (paraphrased as best as memory will serve): "Sometimes, when an individual living alone dies unexpectedly, several days may pass before anyone takes notice. Some of these individuals may own a dog or a cat, which will go unfed. In my experience, a dog may go for several days before finally resorting to eating the owner's body. A cat, on the other hand, will only wait a day or two. Just goes to show you which is more loyal. So, the next time you're falling asleep on the couch with the football game on, take a look at your cat. He's not watching you because he's enamored of you; he's checking to see if your chest is still moving." Oh, those wacky pathologists.