Sweet idea. We finally moved ours a little closer to the house. Keeps the wear and tear down on the golf cart.
Here's a really good shot of the new uni And for you who don't care, why are you even checking the post?
I don't have season tickets but two of the attorneys that I work for do so I'm thinking I'll get the hook up when they can't get to some games. And the get together sounds like alot of fun!
I think it is too funny that two men are talking about the uniforms and how they used the colors and that the use of more silver would have been better than the red. I thought only women cared about stuff like that.
I like them. Cam could use black pads like you said, or red maybe? Either way, Cam is just cuuuuuuuute!
Yeah, I guess it does sound funny. But to guys, the look of a team uniform is equal to the look of a paintjob on a motorcycle or a car. That's about the only time you'll see us get quirky about matching colors and what looks best. To be honest, me suggesting what colors these guys should wear is like a homeless dude giving advice on retirement fund options. Guess I should just stick with my sleeveless tee's and cutoff jean shorts. Anyway, so when are we going to see you flying the Canes Avatar? When we win the cup again in '09?
Some goalies are very superstitious of their pads. I remember Irbe had the same pads for many years to the point of he was on the bench with a thread and needles sewing up busted stitching. Who knows though. They will only wear them at the most 20 games. They'll be hot sellers. I want one. Heck I have the black practice jersey as well along with my white Cole sweater and red sweater from the first year in Greensboro. I'm a jerseyaholic.
Irbe had some NASTY pads. I bet them jokers had the rank stank all up in them. They probably had to fly them in on a different plane during road trips. :ack:
Dude I used to work at the RBC back in the day part-time as security. I walked through the visiting teams hallway right by the locker room between periods. It was BY FAR, the most rank, nasty, arsecheeze smell I have ever encountered in my life. Hell I was just walking by in the hallway. It was the Washington Capitals by the way. I gotta believe the players have to change out everything between periods because those uniforms could walk to the hamper on their on. But it was cool see the trainers sharpening sticks and skates out in the hall as well.
Never...I am from MI about 60 miles from Detroit so I have Red Wing blood running through my veins. There is no bandwagon jumping here. Ok the motorcycle/paint to the colors of jerseys comparison helps that whole conversation not quite as girlie as I originally thought.
You know your Detroit area "neighbor", Robert Ritchie Jr., aka Kid Rock, was certainly into the Canes run in 2006. If fact he wore his 06 Cup ring during his concert this year at the RBC. I know he's good friends with Peter Karmonas' son. Yes, I know you know about the Detroit/ Canes link with said Karmonas being out of Hockeytown. Small world huh?
Yep it sure is!! It is amazing how many Red Wings fans there are around here too. I think the first Canes/Red Wings game I went to at the RBC center there were just as many Wings fans as there were Canes fans. I am just happy they are playing the Wings here this year...I just hope I can get tickets.
The other games where the locals where "their" teams colors against the Canes in my opinion are the Buffalo, Philly, Maple Leafs and the Rangers games.
So we finally nailed #12 to a contract. 8.25 mil a year next year and six more years after that. What do ya think?
I can live with that. He was ranked #15 in the league by TSN in overall trade value. Sometimes I don't think some of the fans realize just how good he is.
I got a jersey! My sweetie got me one for my birthday and is bringing me to a game. He rocks! My girls got in on the Canes theme and got me red, white, and black nail polish! LOL
Just Perfect! Canes' Williams out four to six months with torn Achilles Posted: 23 minutes ago Updated: 1 minute ago RALEIGH, NC - Right wing Justin Williams will have surgery this week to repair a torn right Achilles tendon, the Carolina Hurricanes announced Wednesday afternoon. Williams suffered the injury on Wednesday morning and is expected to be out for four to six months. Williams missed a significant portion of the 2007-2008 season after tearing the ACL and MCL in his left knee on December 20, 2007 against the Florida Panther. The former first-round pick in the 2000 draft seemed to be on his way to a solid campaign before the injury last year, recording 30 points (9 goals, 21 assists) in the team's first 36 contests. Williams returned from the knee injury on April 1, 2008, against the Washington Capitals, only to leave that game with an unrelated back injury. This would have been the 6-foot-1 forward's fourth season with the Canes - now it is questionable if he will play at all this year. The Carolina Hurricanes open their regular season schedule on Friday, Oct. 10 against the Florida Panthers.