How many Hurricanes season ticket holders on here?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by biguncfan, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

  2. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    Oh well! Jeff got too big for his "britches" a while back and now he is seeing that the grass is not always greener on the other side. Or should I say the ice is not always smoother on the other side. LOL
  3. Redneck Rich

    Redneck Rich Well-Known Member

    He had this NHL or bust attitude and that's why he's lookin a bus fare back to Canada. From the start he was oposed to any AHL time this year (which I felt would have helped him return to the big boys) and I guess that wasn't going to cut it with JR.
  4. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    Well the death of his brother was pretty much the fork in him way back in '05.
  5. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    ok going to my first game this Sunday, anything I should know..
  6. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    Hockey has nothing to do with going to the bathroom.

    But seriously, if you're cold-nature d take a jacket or wear a sweatshirt. If you're on the lower level watch the puck because you don't want a permanent dent in ya gord. Don't walk up or down the stairs to and from your seats when the puck is in play. I find taking the Hwy 54 exit instead of Wade Ave exit is quicker. make a right onto 54 off I-40 then make a left at the first stop light beside of Cigna. Go all the way until reaching Trinity Rd, make a right on Trinity, go past Edwards Mill Rd and enter through the Carter Finley entrance off Trinity. Well that's off the top of my head. You will enjoy it.
  7. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    And buy the big beer, it's cheaper in the long run. :lol:
  8. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Look for the Carolina BBQ food cart on the concourse, they have the best pulled pork sandwich!! You can get a sandwich and large sweet tea for $10 (atleast thats what it was last year), its about one of the best deals you'll find out there for food/drinks.
  9. shardee428

    shardee428 Well-Known Member

    Sorry, Tass! I have to disagree. I got the worst case of food poisoning EVER from that very booth.

    But, I probably just hit it on a bad day.

    Carry on.
  10. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    That must have been the "Buy a sandwich and large sweet tea for 10 bucks, get food poisoning for free" day. lol

    I usually try to eat at home, alot cheaper. You'll spend enough money on parking, souvineers, and beverages.
  11. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    That is my most favorite place to get a sandwich from out there, I'd have to guess the last 10 or so games that we've been to, I've gotten my food from them. I even make sure to eat lunch early on those game days so that I'll be hungry enough to eat one of those sandwiches.

    Do those mobile food carts have to post health dept. ratings? I'm just curious now that i'm thinking about it.

    The best part is I figured out how to make the pulled pork like they do it!! Maybe I'll just stick to my own from now on.... :?
  12. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    The new black replica jersey online is $115. That's the cheap one!
  13. shardee428

    shardee428 Well-Known Member

    I did not see a sanitation grade, but I would imagine they have to have one somewhere.

    I think I just got a bad batch of pork that night. It WAS good going down. :)
  14. Redneck Rich

    Redneck Rich Well-Known Member

    And parking is now 10 bucks this year... at least it was during the pre-season games.
  15. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    Speaking of pre-season games, they won the last one. WOOHOO! (I know I know, who cares, it doesn't count! LOL)
  16. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    What a way to start off the season! WOOHOO!
  17. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    My company has season tix. I gave some away yesterday for opening night. I usually make about 10 games a year.
  18. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    If you feel the need to give away any more of them, let me know. :mrgreen:

    2-2 so far! Think they'll pull off another win on Monday?
  19. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    I'm glad they are 2-0 but this coming from behind stuff can't hold up.
  20. Redneck Rich

    Redneck Rich Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but it shows that this group knows how to dig down and win a game. I'm pretty impressed with the look and character of this team so far, hope it lasts.

    Anyway, about tonight... I think we have a STRONG chance of being 3-0 after this one. I know Detroit is a force and the champs but look at our offense so far vs thiers. 10 goals to their 5, looks good to me. Plus the place will be rockin with the new jersey's on the ice. Could be a good one.

    My prediction is Canes 3-2. Fingers crossed.

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