We had about 5 before we left to go out and I left bags on the porch. About 25 bags were given out and there were actually some left when we got back. Overall our neighborhood (in Clayton) just didn't have as many kids walking around as usual and alot of people were not home. I know the church on 42 near my house had the inflatables at their festival so that probably took alot away from my area.
So few (less than ten) that we are going to have to opt out next year. Who needs all that leftover candy? Darn kids!
They'd be SOL unless I robbed my kiddo's loot! Luckily I had a few things in our candy dish, so the little munchkin didn't go away empty handed. We haven't had any trick or treaters for years, so I didn't bother to buy much candy. Lesson learned!
We went t/t but I was shocked to see so many BIG kids trick or treating. At one time I seen some girls who were dressed like hookers that looked to be at least 17-19 years old.
My parents neighborhood did something neat this year that we (Me, Wife, son) went too. They all live on a court and they blocked the court off from vehicles and set up a 10 foot long table and each family placed a bowl of candy on it and the kiddos could come down the court and go down the table and take one from each bowl. Then everyone simply hung out in the court (decorated of course) and grilled hamburgers and Hot dogs and brought sides. It was a really great time and something I had never been exposed to before.
Wolf - that sounds like fun! We had about 25-30 and most were done by 8:30pm - thank goodness! Lots of cute costumes
You could have handed out condoms and Over the Counter Emergency Contraceptives if you ran out of candy Just Kidding!
All the trick of treaters were in Glen Laurel, Clayton. Traffic jams coming in at about 6:00pm and then again as they left at about 8:30pm. The later the evening the bigger the kids . Traffic was about as bad as the annual October Community Yard Sale.
We had between 16 and 20. No big kids this year, which was nice, cause when they are old enough to drive themselves I can't help wanting to tell them to drive to the store and get their own candy...raising gas costs have likely kept them in their driveways.
Poohbear - are you sure they were t&t'ers or was the traffic bad because of the gas line break in that area?
We had 7-8 and they were all neighborhood kids...we always do a little something special for them. As far as the older kids coming...I would much rather them be dressed up t or ting than tping houses, etc. But PLEASE...don't just walk to my door in reg clothes...dresss up if ya' want some free candy!
I talked to a friend of mine who lives in Charlotte. She said she had 3 BIG... as in over 6 feet tall... older teen boys come to her house in regular clothes, carrying duffel bags. When she told them that they needed to wear costumes to get candy (in a joking manner) she said they just looked at her without even cracking a smile. She said she was afraid they would retaliate later if she didn't give them some candy! Stuff like that just rubs me the wrong way. Leave the trick-or-treating to the little kids if you're old enough to work and buy your own candy! :roll: And to answer the question... we had 0 because we weren't here this year. :wink:
I had maybe 12 at the most. Even before 8, I had turned off the lights and cleaned off all the ghostly make up and put the pj's on and that was it. I know I live a little ways back from the road, but the house was lit up and my daughter even made signs and put them on the mail box inviting trick or treaters down to the house and we lit up the signs too. Oh well, next year I won't get as much candy, (and watch that will be the year I get a bunch!)
When I was driving home last night about 8:30 I did not see a single t/ter on the road or in the neighborhood.
We live in a subdivision near Mt. Pleasant, and we had about 3 groups of 4. There weren't that many homes in my SD that had their lights on, which probably accounts for the light traffic. My son walked over to a relative's house in Shadow Lakes, near our house, and he TT'd there, and had a lot more fun. There were tons of people walking around, lots of little kids, just a good old fashioned neighborhood Halloween.