4 - 5 without help from ambien but can't take ambien IF you cant devote 8 hrs to sleep and not drive etc. . . so therefore, between insomnia and work schedule, i don't get much sleep.
That sounds like me, except I haven't taken an ambien in a couple of months. I've got where I take Advil PM and it helps me to at least get to sleep, but I NEVER sleep all night!
I don't give a rats butt about how much sleep I get. I just want to know what I need to do to wake up feeling rested! Other than getting hooked up to a cpap machine. I can remember the last time and that was a long time ago! ... :?
Sam is still HOT!! Love his voice....OMG....be still my heart!! Loved him in Tombstone too! Great movie!
Like TH, not enough. I might get 5 to 6 during the week, but that is not restful sleep. My mind always races and if I wake during the night and have to get up and "go", I have a heck of a time going back to sleep. Also my husband snores like a buzzsaw and that keeps me away! I wake up with dark circles and he wakes up rested!