Never had a major issue with the teens. So much LESS troublesome than I was. Seems to me that the way we empowered them to make choices and suffer consequences worked out. DD takes herself to bed and gets up on her own. Helps out around the house. Seems that the mystery of raising teens wasn't one to us. We just agreed on what we felt they were ready to decide, explored options and consequences with them, and let them make age appropriate choices. Never involved with the Police, ASD, ISS, OSS.. jsut A's, B's, C's And, most of their friends are on a similar path. We're involved with the kids, and prefer to have them all here, where we know they are appropriately supervised. Oldest in in pharmacy school, 2 in between are married and on their own successfully, DD is oriented on a similar course.
I went to Navy boot camp when I was 18 years old. The first morning some guys had a hard time getting out of bed. It never happened again. After that first day everyone would jump out of bed as soon as they heard the hiss of the PA system turning on to play reveille. It was truly amazing how fast a drill instructor could cure over sleeping.
Exactly what I did with all 3 of mine. Worked most the time but there were still some days especially with the baby boy. Boys r definitely different than girls
my boys go to bed at 8:30. That bedtime has been in place since school started for them. The second their heads hit the pillow, they are out.
I've heard that frozen marbles under the covers work very well (really cold and they roll with you if you try to get away). And, it is not as messy as water. :mrgreen: Ours have always been able to get up at the sound of their alarm clocks, get showered, and get their breakfast. As a thank you, I pack their lunches every day. It is a small token of my appreciation for their efforts, but it seems to work for us. We're blessed with 2 really great teenage boys...and I hope that doesn't change!
I'd bet yours are involved in extra activities. Mine was and that helped a lot when it came to discipline and curfews. Sherry