I still have my feeder up and still getting some activity, but not like it was a few weeks ago. I will miss my little humming friends...
Thanks for the information, Kent! I'm so glad they'll be around awhile longer yet! I think they're all at my house, Jean! I'm getting almost constant activity most of the day, from sunrise to sunset. If I stand out there for 5 minutes, I'll see one or two at the feeder, or see one possessively chasing another one away from its favorite spot. One of my crepe myrtles still has a few blooms, which probably helps ... and I must have some yummy bugs!
Mine are gone too...I took my feeder down a couple of days ago. Wont be long till I put up my Winter feeders for the cardinals and other feathered friends tho!
Being a fat man I would never hang my feeder! And I have no interest in seeing the police, including Kent in uniform.
Not too much longer! Got my feeders out for any early arrivals. I hope next weeks' cold spell is the LAST, so we can have a more inviting welcome for our little friends! http://www.hummingbirds.net/map.html
Have my feeders ready to go but haven't filled them yet, waiting til after next week's cold snap. Even bought a new little $1.00 feeder because they seemed to like that style last year. Haven't decided where I'm going to put it yet, trying to spread them out - last year, had some territorial issues (one bird wouldn't let any others near "its" feeder, even when it wasn't feeding). Just another week or two and they'll be up in our area!
Thought this might be of interest to some of you! Birds of a feather: hummingbird family tree unveiled
That's pretty cool Hught! Thanks for sharing! On a side note, my birds haven't shown up yet...I just knew they'd be here by now....Guess I need to go get some flowers and make the house look more attractive to them, lol...
No sign of my little hummer friends yet, but I did have a red-bellied woodpecker at one of the regular bird feeders!