You need flour tortillas for quesadillas. What you can do is deep fry the corn tortillas and as soon as you take them out of the oil once they are nice and crispy sprinkle the cheese on them add a little sour cream and/or salsa and you have nachos. As for actually making the quesadillas get a skillet and melt some butter in it (just enough to coat the bottom of the pan so the tortilla doesn't stick), place a flour tortilla (works best with burrito size tortillas) then put whatever you want in them on one side (we use refried beans, cheese and whatever meat - ground up hamburger, grilled chicken, steak, seafood) flip the other side over all the good stuff and grill until light golden brown then carefully flip the whole thing over so that the other side can get nice golden brown. Serve with sour cream, salsa, guacamole, etc. Just remember any kind of meat/seafood needs to be fully cooked first.
I have been making all kinds of veggie dinners this week for myself since dh doesn't eat it. Has anyone fried eggplant with onions and some red peppers. YUUMMMO.
Thank you!!!! :hurray: I think I'm an ok cook, but can only do a few certain dishes very well IMO. There are many things that I like but have no clue how to make them. I'm trying my darndest to not go out to eat. Now it's down to maybe once per week (which is VERY good for us!). My sister, on the other hand, thinks I'm a great cook. She's convinced that I got the cooking gene that she didn't get.