I know we need another thread

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Cleopatra, Jul 2, 2008.

  1. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I despise it when people do that. :?
  2. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Like how?
  3. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    Drum roll PLease...........................................Ta Da~!

    six Words: Thank God I was not Home!

    Anyway -Y'all know where I live and I have been waiting to get this out in the open.

    Last year when I and other complained about the noise from the construction in the spring. C3 got wind of me and my yapping and were kind enough to send over some lovely baskets for Easter. I took it as an olive branch. Things got quieter and that made me peaceful. now in retrospect it was merely a bribe to shut up.


    Simple - No one has ever walked across the street since. No one has ever offered to lend a hand to the older folks who live the closest. They are having a terrible go of it right now. The manis in really bad shape and they have had to sell the horses to make ends meet. Trust me when I say, they loved them dearly. No one has ever offered to help the single mom. No one has ever helped with the long grass or the dead tree, for example. No one has ever extended and invitation. No one has ever asked to see if we were even alive, or perhaps needed prayers to stay that way.

    I deal with those dern lights every night ALL NIGHT. I hate those things. Light Pollution. Desacrating the peacefulness of Johnston County evenings.

    The new building has helped the noise but it is still audible. Just enough to be so dang annoying.

    I can't get out of the stupid drive because of all the traffic. There is a sheriff directing on occasion at release time but not when folks are racing to get there. Some are terrible the way they drive.

    C3 is a lot of things but it most definately is for the "Community" that donates money to them, not for the community at large. All they are interested in is getting new member for more money. The little goodies that they give away are simply recruiting tools. Giving back is not part of it as far as I can see. I am not looking for free stuff, I just want to see this monolith do something other then tout their own horn. - and shut off their dern lights at night.
  4. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    Why, THank you kind Sir.....
  5. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    WHO would you need to be in contat with to make this problem go away?

    I can pull some strings for ya - because I love ya girl.
  6. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    I think RH may need to get invoolved with all this. THat light thing annoys me and I sure hope the sprinklers are not watering my mailboxes again today - yes I get my mail very late sometime. I know certain places have light polution restrictions. It is a residential area and I see no leed for those light to be on all night. until 10 unless there is a special function. put the silly lights against the building on motions sensors - if you wish to deter burglars, What the heck is worth stealing from a church anyway?
  7. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Sound equip, computers, lots of things ............

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