Cleo - I don't know anything about stoves, but I feel your pain! My vacuum hasn't worked properly since May, I finally got it fixed right last week. As soon as I got that back, my washer broke, flooded my laundry room and it's only 2 years old!! But they came and fixed it today (free of charge, thanks to hubby's business, yay!) so now everything is in working order. Probably just jinxed myself though... Hope your stove ends up being a quick, easy fix, I hate it when an appliance isn't working. You don't know what you've got til it's gone, it's so true too!
How much did it cost to get the large one fixed on your smooth top. That's what's wrong with mine. I'm making do right now, I'm just worried about the holidays and not having enough burners.
Good luck on getting it fixed, hopefully it"s not major. Probably more of a headache to find part than it is to actually repair it.
The glass topped ones seem to hold up ALOT better. They glass is relatively easy to break tho. I havent taken one apart to see what makes them tick yet, but I've had mine for several years now, so I expect eventually I will have to.
I've had my smooth top since 01, and I love it. The only issue is that apparently I was a little too vigorous cleaning it and I've managed to rub off some of the little "speckels" around my large burner.
I love the convenience. And it's pretty... but when we had the first burner replaced.. I swear it was around 300, labor and all. My blank memory works excellent as a coping mechanism. And Mama sprung for the repair.. another reason I don't remember. DH does though. I'll ask when he wakes up.
I love my smooth top too but it's only 6 yrs old. Of course the warranty expired at 5 years. I was thinking it would be around $300. Replacing one burner would be too bad but it's almost as much as purchasing a whole new one.
We have had ours for over 15 years and have never had a problem (bought it for our first home in Georgia, made the trip to Ohio (2 different residences) and NC for 12 years. Don't think we will ever use the old burner type again. Granted the Stove top is only used about 5 times a week now.
Daredevil, Thanks for all your Posts. Seems like I am not in the minority with a burner being out on my stove. Your steps were great. Cleo, Hope yours is working now. Remember, things happen in three! Good day, Sherry
Sherry - Don't say that! My vacuum broke, then right after that, my washer broke! You're scaring me!!
Well, the on/off button is sticking on my TV now. And I hardly ever use it!! And the drive belt broke on the lawn tractor the other week. So hopefully that is my three, except it was two burners on my stove 3 months apart - so is that 4? I must be REALLY lucky.