1.Be a Veterinarian 2.Work with my dog Laila as a therapy dog and take her to childrens hospitals 3.Make enough money to never have to worry about paying bills
1> Be able to safely visit other planets both within and outside of our solar system and create colonies on those more earthlike. 2> Be able to remove the fatal and /or debilitating diseases of our species. 3> Be able to convince the other members of our species to live togehter in better harmony.
I'm with ya, can I add one more I would love to own and run a scrapbook store, my personal addiction LOL
yeah I know I have 3 calendars calling my name that I am making for ds teachers and I have only gotten thru March, the last day is the 23rd...
If you were granted the ability to do 3 things that you aren't able to do today what would it be? 1. Travel Back in Time 2. See into the future 3. Heal my mothers broken heart
#3.....awwww! #2 - dont think i would want to see what is coming. HOWEVER......some xray vision could be interesting! :mrgreen:
1. Wealthy philanthropist(especially my shelter for senior dogs) 2. I would like to not be shy 3. I would be successful in helping to pass laws protecting animals(outlawing animal testing, spay/neuter, etc.) Talk about fantasy.
I did a project on animal testing about 2 years ago, I tell you, it broke my heart. I wish I could have fried everyone of those people who performed these experiments. There are so many alternatives now, scientist can grow skin, use kaddabers, etc. (I know my spelling sucks). Anyway, in the project it stated that chimps seem to have the same maternal insticts as humans, they would seperate the mothers from the infants and give the infants a wire doll, observe, etc. I think laws where animals are concerned should be stricter, I also think there should be a law against breeding animals.
if i could be three things......... 1. wealthy ...a. so i can but the things i want and give to whomever i want. b. I want to find every lost four legged baby a forever home. c. one word: lipo 2. i would love to be in charge of a business where i could be the information coordinator/spokesperson 3. a professional singer and play the piano.
1. The person that turns the economy around. 2. Director of the Veterans Administration. 3. Santa Claus