Invisiline braces

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by mommy3, Oct 26, 2007.

  1. mommy3

    mommy3 Well-Known Member

    Any have experience with this product? Dr. Riccobene's office said that it was about 1/4 the cost of traditional braces:!: . Just wanted to see if anyone had an opinion :)lol: ) on likes/dislikes and cost.

  2. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    We have talked about these with Dr R for me, I will get them in the next year or so, I have other things that need to be done first, also they can be used for whitening so you get duel use out of them...
  3. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    My wife is also doing this through Dr. R. Other than she can only drink clear beverages when they are in, she is quite happy with them.
  4. mommy3

    mommy3 Well-Known Member

    So these are the ones that pop in and out? Kind of like a retainer I guess. We may be doing this for my almost 19 year old. Braces were not a necessity when he was a younger teen but now I think it would be nice cosmetically. He didn't want braces in school because of sports. What about cost?

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    Is Dr. R. an Orthodontist?
  6. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I've had braces (twice!) and I understand that they are great for cosmetic straightening, but if you need bite alignment, etc. The regular ones are the way to go. I got the clear ones last time around, most folks didn't even notice them. I wasn't aware they were cheaper than regular braces! :shock:
  7. mommy3

    mommy3 Well-Known Member

    He is not an ortho but apparently they do this in their office for adults. They told my son that they were about 1/4 the price of braces. I am in the beginning stages of researching this so I don't know a lot of details. I just wanted to hear public opinion on personal experiences.
  8. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Okay, 5 of my 7 need braces. I was at the dentist w/ 5 of them yesterday. No cavities...yeah!!! Anyhow, went to the orthodontist to ask about "payment pllans." what a joke!!! It will cost me $1000 a month for a payment plan. I asked who's boat I was paying for at the office and the front desk just laughed. I was dead serious. Regular braces are around $6000 per kid. Do the Christmas for years to come--LOL. I don't remember braces being this expensive. Is this the norm? Can you do invisible braces for kids(teens) and if so, how much? Will they correct alignment? Sorry for all the questions but as you can see, I would have quite a vested interest in this one.

    Has anyone used the UNC dental school to get their braces? I've heard they're great and they are about half the cost of regular orthodontists. Any info on that would be greatly apprectiated as well.

    Good luck to everyone. How do you all pay for the braces? Sorry if that is too personal a question but just curious. $1000 a month just is too much for us right now.

    Enjoy the wet, rainy day! Isn't it great...rain!!!

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  9. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Price sounds about right, mine were over $6000, wore them two years last go round. They've been off for over 2 years. I just got done paying for them. :rolleyes:
  10. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    I go to UNC dental school for my care and they are great. Call them and see if they do

    Call the DFP Reception Desk at 919-966-2115 and tell the receptionist you are interested in becoming a DFP patient. You will be asked for some general information.

    Usually there is a waiting period but once you become a patient, than its usually a few weeks for the next appt.


    p.s. Do you and your family drive a big white van with personalized plates? I thought about you and thought maybe it was your family :)

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    Lord have mercy!
    Do you have Ortho. coverage with your dental?
    Both of mine had braces, different Orthodontist. The average is about
    $5-6,000 which really depends on what needs to be done as far as applications and the length of time. For you, I'd choose who needed them the most, take one at a time even if this puts them in their late teens. Couldn't imagine having 5 in them at the same time. Go with the oldest that needs them and work you way down. The cost with my oldest using Dr. Devlin was just a little under $5,000 with no payment down and monthly payments at that time of $220.00, his office if very understanding about months that are tight and will work with you during those times. Look into Carecredit, another avenue for money to off set what your dental doesn't cover assuming you have dental insurance. Carecredit usually has a 0% interest rate for the first six months and can help pick some of those times the money gets tight around the house.
    Good luck!

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    Dr. Devlin's office also give you a discount for family members.
  13. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I agree, start with the oldest and work your way down. I would not bother for a few crooked teeth - they can get braces on their own dime as adults if they wish! But overbites, crossbites, other real issues - please care these.

    Your ortho coverage should cover half of the treatment plan. Usually then you pay around 600.00 upfront and then 100 or so a month for a year. You can also apply for medical credit cards, that offer low and no interest financing. I see you have seven children, if you have medicaid they will only cover the necessary treatments - and not cosmetic ( a few crooked teeth).

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    We were lucky to some degree. Our dental has an Ortho. one time allowable of $1500.00 per person after that it's your little red wagon. Better than nothing though and brought down the total cost so I cant' complain.
  15. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Rostrawberry, that is our van--LOL.

    My kids are not bio kids and from the background they endured, their teeth are a mess. We are not fixing the cosmetic ones at all. Some have medical conditions and their jaws are being pushed forward. Some crossbites(severe) and some have already had permanent teeth taken out to make room for more. I have two right now who really, really need it. The others can wait a little while longer and will have to. We are hoping tax time can help--LOL. We don't qualify for medicaid or any state programs though our medical expenses each year well reach close to $100K or more. Insurance pays most but definitely NOT all. We have wonderful, wonderful dental coverage. 100%. Orthodontic coverage, however, is not so wonderful.

    I will call the dental school. I'd also like to hear more or find a # for this Dr. Devlin. Never heard of him before now. We knew this day would come but I was actually hoping to be back to work by now. Ahh, plans, they never work out the way you want htem to, do they?? I'm usually at various specialists or schools throughout the week that even part-time work during the day would be tough. Actually tried part time not too long ago and it did not work out. Our plans were to have me back at work by now to pay for stuff such as the orthodontics and other medical stuff that may come up. However, medical issues have quite surprised us lately and we just have to go w/ the flow. so, in the meantime, learning what I can about orthodontics.

    Hey, can the webmaster auction off a set of braces?--LOL. BTW, that scratch & win is addictive even if you never win! Thanks for the info. I will call the dental school today as I'm actually home today. Field trips were cancelled...obviously. No pumkin patch today.

    Take care,

    stephanie--mom to 7

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    For what it's worth. Dr. Joseph Devlin is a very caring person not only at work but in his private life, know someone that goes to church with him. Devlin Orthodontics is on Guy Road, near the Clayton Middle School and Clayton Physical Therapy, phone number 359-9191.
    He also has a Raleigh office.
  17. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Our daughter went to Dr. Devlin. He has a Clayton office and a Raleigh office, so it made it convenient. I have a small problem but not sure it is his fault and he has been wonderful about it.

    She has had them off for 4 plus years, but we cant keep her front teeth to stay together, so he put on a permanent retainer on the back of her top teeth. She hates it. It breaks about once a year and he fixes it no questions asked, and no charge... but she doesnt want to wear it the rest of her life and when it breaks her teeth move quickly!!

    Back then it was over $3000, insurance covered 1/2.
  18. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    That is so cool. I saw your van twice so far and those 2 times I have thought of you. One of your kids that I did see is adorable.

    Good luck with everything that you decide to do :)

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    I have a sister that had the same issue with her bottom teeth, just weak teeth and she has a permanent retainer that was on for about 25 yrs. until very recent, she now has invisiline on the bottom in place of the metal one. but she will always have to have something there to keep them staight.

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    mean't to clarify, she only wears the retainer at night.

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