'Jesus' Rifles outrage some

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Jester, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    How about we just do a huge airlift and drop pigs into the countries from planes? or maybe we should actually drop playbooy and penthouse magazines, since they would have to then commit suicide.....:lol:
  2. not to smart

    not to smart Guest

    Nike do it
  3. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Why sad that it's a religious war? This one has been going on for thousands of years. Instead of it being localized to the Middle East, it has transcended internationally. Every war brings about casualties. The arrogance that one person's Deity is supreme over another's leads to conflict that, to me, seemingly would embarrass the Deity that preaches love and acceptance.

    Terrible are the deeds done in the Name of God. I'm also not so naive as to think that it merely requires someone to not fight. Not fighting equals assimilation.

    Extremism of any type is the catalyst that speeds up the process. Moreover, we're in a cultural war within ourselves as well as others.

    At Command and Staff School, we were treated to several in depth discussions of the theory of concentric circles, where conflict arises when circles meet.

    Let me use a simple example. Within my world, there are several "layers" that help to identify me. Within my immediate family, I can be teased about X, but only within my family. That circle is violated if someone outside the family engages me. I identify with my home town, versus the rival one, my high school versus the rival one, my preferred college, pro team, branch of service, veteran status, political party..etc. As long as the discussion or disagreement is within the circle, dissent and disagreement is allowed. If anyone outside that circle engages, conflict results.

    Yes, I prefer "Cleveland" to all other areas of JoCo, JoCo to all areas of NC, NC to all other states, US to all other nations, Heels against any other in THE ACC, Acc to all other conferences..Packers against all other NFL teams, NFC against AFC, American football to "futbol", etc. I prefer veterans to non vets, Army to other branches, Paratrooper to 'legs',... Anyone outside the circle at any level brings about conflict when their preferred circle abrades the border of mine.

    Conflict isn't always a bad thing. And alliances may form, i.e. "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Exchanges of information and value may also reduce the tension and conflict when borders are broached.

    Conflict resolution may sometimes seem so easy to achieve, in a vacuum. Humans don't operate in a vacuum.
  4. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Craig, even with your smiley face on that note, there are many here who are nodding their heads in agreement with you.

    Yet, if a church or synagogue is desecrated, then we're ready to turn up the heat to threat nuclear warfare.
  5. not to smart

    not to smart Guest

    weak analogy
  6. Vinalexnc

    Vinalexnc Well-Known Member

    I see your point about concentric circles and religion is just another circle isn’t it. Oh and agree with you that conflict is not a bad thing. A lot of progress can be made through conflict there is an old proverb about a man an no conflict but can't remember the exact wording. Anyway I guess I’d rather be fighting over more tangible things. We really have come too far since the crusades have we?
  7. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    You know, I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find such reference if I were buying products from the Middle East. I also would expect to find some Islamic symbolism or verses from the Qur'an on weaponry or devices such as IEDs.

    I'm sure the company will probably make changes so as not to lose a huge government contract, but if they stand their ground, I deeply admire that. To me, it represents freedom for an enterprising private company to assign whatever serial number as it solely wishes. It is not a religious tract or a cassette tape with scripture teaching. Its a serial number, period. Is the serial numbers (and their meaning) of greater importance to the federal government or the company itself? I'd say a couple of letters, a number, a colon and another set of numbers on the end of a longer numeric series must not have that much significance if the DoD hasn't noticed it by now.
  8. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    But you just aren't buying a product, they are filling a US military contract. Most military contracts/drawings I look at get very specific about what marking can apear on the products.

    And yes, they got smart and backed down:

  9. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    I could have sworn I saw Jesus in my oatmeal one time. I sure hope Quaker doesn't sell oatmeal to the government.
  10. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    If that is true, then that should indicate that the serial numbers weren't a big deal to the military until someone made it a big deal if they are indeed extremely particular about said markings. No one in the numerous years they've done this has picked up on the Christian scriptural references? I find that hard to believe.

    I wonder if it could be possible that items or equipment have been purchased on contract from other countries with discreet messages encoded? What would happen if it were discovered that the US had purchased equipment from a Turkish or Jordanian company that had placed Islamic symbolism on the product? The US would either turn a blind eye entirely and justify it or risk being labeled as hatemongering toward the Muslim world.

    Would these serial numbers had made a difference several decades ago? No. We know that. It doesn't mean that people back then were less considerate or those today are more intellectual. Its overzealous political correctness plain and simple. There is a fear of the muslim faith in this country, but not as one would expect. It is a fear of offending rather than protecting the freedom of speech of a privately owned American company.

    You have the US military buying supplies through a pre-approved, long-term contract from an American company. Suddenly, the contract is brought into question, not by the quality of the product or the delivery, but by something as trivial as a serial number because a few disapprove.

    They've agreed to change their business operations to suit, however, so I guess that is a settled issue.
  11. Jalen

    Jalen Well-Known Member

    Why is everyone so anti-Christian? What is wrong with Christianity? I'd be real interested in hearing what you think.
  12. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Who is anti-Christian?
  13. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    I don't think it's anti-Christian to think it's a bad idea to have Bible verses printed on equipment we send to Iraq and Afghanistan. Al Qaeda can find plenty of recruitment tools without our help.
  14. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    You're calling Gen. Petraeus stupid???????????????????????
  15. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Or how about we just quit selling/giving some of the best sight technology in the world to other countries and actually keep it for our own personal use? I like that idea better.

    BTW. the trijicon sights are the one thing I've always wanted for my glock, but have never bought.
  16. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Actually, when a company bids on a contract with the U.S. government, such as these guns, they must sign the contract stating they will stick completely to the specifications submitted by our government. If the company wins the bid a government quality control person is placed at that manufacturing plant to make sure all specifications are met and nothing has been altered.

    I worked for a company that manufactured M16 rifles, grenades and trip lines. We had an office for the government quality control person and believe me he did his job both with the manufacturing of items and paperwork.

    If the company being discussed used Bible versus as "serial numbers", in my opinion, it should be a breech of contract. In my opinion our military and government should be neutral on issues such as religion.

  17. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    :iagree: with PRM!! A rifle is a rifle. It is used in war time to kill the enemy. WHO CARES what's on it.

    What I can't understand is that what is on it is a P-O-S-I-T-I-V-E thing. soooooooooooooo why the fuss?
  18. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member


    It's hard to reconcile that the He who is quoted about the meek inheriting the earth, is happy that His references are used on weapons to kill.

    Or is it that we reduce our guilt at taking a human life by blaming it on God's desires that we do so? Does dismissing the inherent value of the sanctity of life by castigating them as non believers make it easier to kill?

    For such a Pro Life crowd, it seems that the killing of others who don't believe is easily promoted and accepted, moreover thus offering a position from which to be condescending to others.

    Is the word of God dependent on us, or are we dependent on the Word? If God existed before us, and created us to acknowledge him, does He not exist after we are all gone? If the earth was rid of humans, would God not still be God? And, if so, then why the human pursuit of killing or converting those whose beliefs are lesser in our eyes? How arrogant and judgmental we are to presume that we know what God wants, or that we speak in His name, trying to sanctify our misdeeds in His name.

    Without us, the Word still is. Without the Word, then what?
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2010
  19. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Not everyone considers it a "positive thing" I would not want my tax dollars used to prosthelytize mine or someone elses religion.
  20. not to smart

    not to smart Guest

    abortions ok

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