Johnston County Animal Control Strike Again!!!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Anonymous, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Rick Hestor

    I am shocked. Rick tried to bribe you ?

    Wow. he thinks you can replace a dog like a new coffee pot ?

    I also heard that he met you half way, that you did not even go to his office.

    Seems kinda funny doesn't it? It seems like he was trying to make the situation just go away.

    I agrre with the "poster" Duke's Dad

    I think we should call the media again meet in front of Rick Hestors office and ask him on TV what he was thinking.

    Then just picket in front of his office.

    What a pair Rick & Roger.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    If this comes from the little one . We all love ya
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Re: Rick Hestor

    don't think pickiting will do anything. However media is the magic word here and not just local lets get it nation wide.
    Also I sent the original posting from "peppercorn" to the senat,the house and Gov.

    Lets see if this helps at all.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Hello, I dont' totally disagree about picketing the place.
    That would bring IN NATIONAL media.

    Has anyone contacted all the dog related agencies. Like, PETA and there are literally hundreds more.

    Any updated on when the news story will be on tonight?
    Tank ya!
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Nah this is acually the 16 year old but... dont worrry people get me and my sister mixed up all the time
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    if rick hester offered to buy u a dog in exchange for your silence, then yes that is a bribe. A bribe by a county official which is a felony.
    If the Davis family did accept it, then that would have also been a bribe by Mr. Hester. So yes, what Rick Hester did, was a bribe. This my friends, is major stuff.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    From 10/7/04

    ANIMAL SHELTER DIRECTOR SUSPENDED AFTER FAMILY DOG MISTAKENLY EUTHANIZED - Johnston County’s head animal control officer has been placed on paid leave while officials investigate how a family pet was mistakenly euthanized this week. Roger Davis, Animal Shelter Director, will remain on leave pending the completion of the investigation, according to Human Resource Director Pat LaCarter. On Tuesday, Lee and Cindy Davis agreed to voluntarily quarantine their 2-year-old dog, Niko, after it attacked their neighbors and their 13-week-old puppy. One day after being quarantined, Niko was euthanized in the place of another animal. A risk management officer is expected to complete his report into how the mix up took place as early as Friday. The findings will then be made available to Carter and County Manager Rick Hester. Hester has already apologized to the couple and offered to pay for a new dog.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    YOU have got to be kidding??? He offered to get you another dog???

    And why was this terrier being killed???? Was the terrier even available for adoption??? I guess know one would know, since they dont advertise the dogs. Disgusting! Did he offer you a "new" dog, or did he at least try to get you one from the Pound?????
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    He will be back this Monday!
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Back on Monday??? wow paid vacation time.. Do you think he used these days to think about NIKO and how he destroyed a family????
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Roger SHOULD resign

    Roger Davis should not come back

    I have knowledge of some other SHENANIGANS that he is inolved with.

    I am not sure whether I am going straight to the media, or whether I will go to his superiors,

    Either way I will wait and see what the investigation will bring
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    You gotta love it. This guy gets a paid vacation for screwing up. If you or I were to mess up like this at a job we would be fired! But this is a cushy county job. He gets a county truck to drive around in with free gas and paid days off. No wonder you never see much available for open employment in these jobs. You must have to kill someone to be fired - oh wait - even if you kill something you don't get fired.

    Whose doing the investigating? His hunting buddy? Maybe an employee he offered some paid vacation days to? Some of these people are too close. They have been working together for too long. It is time for a change.

    I am still working on a meeting. Please begin to write down your ideas and thoughts. We will need funds to make some of this happen. Can we perhaps get some coporate sponsorship? Is anyone related to anyone North Shore Animal League is a huge no kill shelter that had very humble beginnings. Once they got some big names behind them, they really took off.

    The puppy is doing just fine. Her name is Angel and she is a black and white greyhound/dalmation/coon dog mix. (we think) Some of you may have seen her on the news. Tonight is channel 14. Her picture may be in Fridays Smithfield Herald Either way, she is immune to her fame and is happily enjoying her squeeky toys.

    Habiitat for Niko is a good idea. If we can build more areas for animals, we can help more animals. I know we can't save them all. It is up to each of us to take care and be responsible for our animals. I think this is a good way to unite our community, our county. It doesn't matter if you have been in Johnston County for a week or for a lifetime.... we need to come together and try to better our Animal "Shelter."
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    About 6-8 months ago, my cat (who is an outside cat) got lost. I posted pictures everywhere and gave them a color photo at the Shelter.
    About six months later, I see MY CAT in a car in the passenger seat at a stoplight!!!!!!. I tailed the woman down, and it was absolutely 100percent my cat. She said she got her from a rescue group that gets cats from the shelter. My cat was a beautiful long haired pampered feline, but she had a very weird scar on her belly, that looked like a heart. This was the exact cat. The woman who got my cat, looked at pictures and we both agreed that this was my cat. She actually offered to give me my cat back, but by then, my cat was In love with their family. She drove with my cat everywhere. She did sales, and my cat was her "assistant" We called the rescue lady up, and she did indeed say, that the cat came from the shelter from Roger Davis. My cat had tags, had her rabies tag on, was not ferile and was fixed. I called Roger davis and got pushed aside a few times. I was then told to call Rick Hester. I must have left him six messages, and i never heard anything back from him. Then I called the Johnston Count Animal Protection League, and they said that it's impossible to prove that this was the same cat. They were very sympathetic and they did offer me a cat to adopt from their organization for some small amount of money. I declined.
    There is a whole weird cat black market thing going on. Nobody listened to me back then, so Im thrilled that they are finally being exposed.
    This takes away nothing from the hurt I feel for Niko's family.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    I think at the meeting we will have, we should discuss the corportate sponsorships. Thre are way to many naysayers reading these posts.
    Also, did you find out when and where the town meeting will be??? And.... One last question, are ya'll going to be on ABC tonight also??? Do you know what the call letters are? Thanks so much!
  17. :(
    Thinking about Niko :(
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    ItHappenedToME!!! wrote:

    Are you serious? Are you sure the cat had the tags on when she was picked up by the shelter?
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Wow I just saw news14 and all I can say is get them.
    Like that guy said this can not happen again.
    Best of luck to Nikos family.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    .To those who think they know everything-here are the facts--Who wants Johnston Co. Animal Shelter ? NOBODY--they were under the Health Dept--then the Sheriffs Dept., so the Co. said, let's make them their own Dept., that's when things changed for the better, pet adoption, laws changed to protect animals better--a web-site for the animals--these people are trying to do some good--
    The pay--HA_HA--the money they get for violations goes to Co. General fund, Animal control sees none of it--they have a small budget of just over $200,000 to operate a yr., $12,000 t0 $15,000-is spent on free Rabies Clinics, the vets have to be paid--officers make about $25,000 a yr. to handle problems and sometimes putting their saftey on the line doing this.
    They asked for $4,000 to put in a automatic water system, the Co. denied it so they have to keep washing bowls-offiecers go in everyday and clean the shelter before they can answer calls that average about 500 a mo. and bring in about 450 animals. These people are doing the best job they can with what they have to work with and to be understaffed.
    Oh, lets talk about the big picture--the gas chamber--adoption and all that--the first thing we need to do is educate this Co. on spay and neutering their pets, the pet population in this Co. needs to be gotten under control--so, maybe some of you out there could help the poorier people pay for some of this because the vets in this Co.are trying to get rich off everyone and people simply can not afford their rates--that's one of the main problems with this spay and neuter program.
    Once you get the animal population under control, then maybe the co.can afford to lookat a different method od euthanization, until then, think about trying to pay a vet tp put down several hundred dogs a mo.
    Now about the dog that was put down by mistake, I'm sure noone is more saddened then the people who made this heart breaking mistake--i have lived in this Co. all my life and it has never happened before to my knowledge, but with the no. of unfortunate animals that pass through those doors, I'm surprised it hasn't happened before, there's not enough room, several dogs have to be in cages together.
    Now if someone feels the need to hire a lawyer, don't ask for money---ask that a program can be set up some where, some way to help people recieve training to do this UNWANTED JOB---how many of you doing all this complaining want it????? I have never seen any type of class offered in Johnston Community College for this --have you ???
    This is about all I can say, just remember to try and learn all the facts on a subject and try and give Johnston County Animal Control some badly needed support--it's so easy to say harsh, cruel things about something that you know so little about--if you think this is such a great job, try looking into the eyes of a animal that a owner has simply gotten tired of and thrown away, they can't understand why that beloved master no longer wants them--these officers and everyone associated with Johnston Co. Animal Control have feelings to , they have loved pets too at home, you have no idea how hard they try to place these petsand save their lives--lives that probably someone in you own neighborhood has thrown away.[/list]

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